The Integrate connector allows you to send your leads directly to Integrate, for seamless flowing into Integrate’s marketing automation.
Connecting your Integrate Account
Navigate to ‘Setup > Integrations > Connectors’, and scroll down to the ‘Integrate’ connector.
To add an Integrate source, click ‘Add account’.
Enter your Organization ID, API Key and Source ID, then name your event and click ‘Save’.
The API Key is the bearer’s token (without the “Bearer “ text at the start).
The Source ID has to be in the long format (appearing on the URL after you click on a source ID), following the format “abcxyz12-abcx-abcx-abcx-abcxyz123456”
A connection has to be made for each Source, meaning this set up is done once per event. You will be able to clone events using the same Org ID and API Key, just changing the Source ID and Event Name.
Your Integrate account is now connected!
To connect other sources in the future, click on the drop-down of an already connected account and click ‘Clone’
The connection pop-up will be pre-filled with the Organization ID and API Key, just having the Source ID and Event Name fields empty.
Alternatively, to connect more accounts or sources, click the ‘Add account’ button again.
Field Mapping
To map Captello fields to Integrate fields, click drop-down on the desired account and click ‘Map Lead Fields'.
Click the “+” and “-” buttons to add or remove fields. Select fields from the drop down (Captello fields are on the left and Integrate’s fields are on the right).
Syncing Leads from a Capture Form
To set up your capture form to sync leads to Integrate, a fulfillment or automation action is required. In the following example, a submission action is used to sync all submitted leads to Integrate.
Click on the gear icon inside the capture form and select ‘Actions (Submission)’.
Select the action ‘Sync to Integrate’.
Select your account, and click ‘Save’
Duplicate Management
Logs show you the status of syncing each lead, it will also show errors if any have occurred during the sync process.
To access logs, navigate to ‘Setup > Integrations > Connectors’, click the drop-down on the desired account and click ‘Logs’.
Removing your Integrate Account
To remove an Integrate account, click on the drop-down of the desired account and click ‘Revoke’.
Then click ‘Yes’ on the confirmation pop-up.
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