


Folders are used to keep marketing assets organized and easily accessible. Most marketing campaigns require creating landing pages, web forms, automations, emails, postcards, and more. More sophisticated campaigns can use lots of assets. Without a central repository to keep all assets, things can be confusing. Folders can be moved, deleted, renamed and more. While assets can be added, removed, or edited from folders. 

Accessing Folders

Click the folder icon on the top right to open the Folder Management console. 

Tips & Tricks

  • Single click a folder or asset to open it. Double click on a folder to rename it. 

  • Double click a folder on the right-hand panel to rename it on the fly. 

Saving Assets to Folders

  • Use the Save To option when creating new assets to save it into a folder. Click the Choose button to open the folder tree to the right. 

  • Once you've selected your folder from the right side (indicated in orange) click the Select button at the bottom of the folder tree. 

  • The new folder path will be shown in the Save To field as shown below:

The following items can be saved to, or move to, a folder:

  • Automation
  • Campaign
  • Dialog
  • Email
  • Engagement
  • Event
  • Fulfillment Actions
  • Landing Page
  • Layout Template
  • Letter (Handwritten)
  • Lists
  • Program
  • Segmentation
  • Social Post
  • Survey
  • Trackable Content
  • Tracking URL
  • Video
  • Web Form
  • Webhook

The following items cannot be saved to, or moved to, a folder:

  • Prospects
  • Users
  • Visitors

Moving Assets to Folders

  • Use the Move To option next to the asset you want to move. 

  • Click the Choose button to open the folder tree to the right. 

Moving Assets in Bulk

To move assets in bulk go to the folder console. Click each asset while holding down Control on your keyboard. Then, drag and drop your assets into the new folder on the left hand folder navigation tree. 

Managing Folders

Favoriting Folders

To make a folder a Favorite Folder, click the gear to the right and select Favorite. Favorited folders appear in the All Folders > Favorites folder. 

Renaming Folders

There are multiple ways to rename a folder:

1) click the gear to the right of the folder you want to rename and select Rename

2) Double click the name of the folder with your mouse

3) while moving an asset or saving it to a folder double click the name of the folder in the right hand pane

Cloning Folders and Folder Contents

  • A folder and its entire contents can be cloned within your account. 

  • For marketing agencies and companies managing sub-accounts, they'll have an option to clone to all sub-accounts or select sub-accounts. 

These assets can be cloned:

  1. Programs

  2. Campaigns

  3. Layout Templates

  4. Existing and Hosted Webforms

  5. Landing Pages

  6. Tracking URLs

  7. Emails

  8. Forms

  9. Engagements (Personalizations and Dialogs)

  10. Trackable Content

  11. Social Posts

  12. Webhooks

  13. Handwritten Letters

  14. Target Lists (Segmentations)

  15. Automations:

    1. Property Based Automations

    2. Behavior Automations

    3. Date Automations

    4. Actions Only Automations

    5. Lead Scoring Automations

    6. Lead Grading Automations

    7. Lead Distribution Automations

  16. Folders with all contents (sub folders and supported assets)

These assets cannot be cloned:

  1. Fulfillment Actions

  2. Automatic Tracked Forms

  3. Videos

  4. Lists

  5. Post Cards 

  6. Call Campaign

  7. Online Event

How Cloning Works

  • All cloned assets and folders will have the following clone token appended to the name in this format: “-clone-yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss”. The “yyyy-mm-dd-hhmmss” is the date and time the asset/folder was cloned in GMT. For example “Test Clone-clone-2016-08-21-163643”

Cloning Folders

  • New folders are created on the root folder level.

  • If there is no folder with the same name then the new folder name will be the same as the cloned folder. 

  • If there is another folder with the same name then the new folder name will use the name format as mentioned above. 

  • All sub folders will be cloned with their original name.

  • When cloning a folder all assets inside the folder and all sub folders and assets will be cloned. 

Cloning Assets

  1. When cloning an asset a new asset with the same name, appended with the clone token, will be created. For example, if a parent user tries to clone a program with the name “Program A” to a sub account, then the new program will be “Program A-clone-2016-08-22-134300”, where the clone token contains the timestamp the asset was cloned.

  2. Items to note when cloning assets linked to other assets.  For example when cloning a campaign, called “Campaign A” that is linked to a program, called “Program A”:
    1. The new campaign will be “Campaign A-clone-2016-08-22-134300”. The system will check if there is a program with the name “Program A-clone-2016-08-22-134300”. If found, then the campaign will be assigned to this program.  If not found, then the system will search for a program with the same name “Program A”. If found the campaign will be assigned to it; otherwise, a new program with the name “Program A-clone-2016-08-22-134300” will get created and assigned to the campaign.

    2. This process ensures cloning of a folder and its content will assign the assets to the new linked assets. 

    3. As a best practice, organize all your linked assets within the same folder so that when cloning a folder to your account (or another account), the new assets will have the same structure.

    4. Examples of linked assets:
      1. Campaigns linked to programs.

      2. Campaign items linked to campaigns where campaign items are assets like webforms, landing pages, automations, email campaigns, etc.

      3. Hosted forms linked to Layout Templates.

      4. Dialogs as a part of Personalizations.

  3. Automation and Personalization criteria and actions that use assets will not be complete when cloning to sub accounts. For example, suppose an Automation used the "Submits Webform" criteria and "Send Email" action. When cloning to the same account this criteria/action will be copied with the referenced asset; however, when cloning it to a sub account the referenced assets will not be filled in as the assets may not be cloned. 
  4. When cloning Automations and Personalizations always check your criteria to make sure it remains in tact. 
  5. Permission checks are applied to cloned assets. When cloning a folder and its content to another account or sub account individual permission checks are performed on each asset to make sure the receiving account has the required permissions for using the asset. For example, when cloning an email campaign, if the receiving account does not have email marketing permissions then the email will not get created.

Deleting Folders

Deleting Folders, Not Assets

Only folders can be deleted, assets cannot be deleted from the folder management console. If an asset resides in a folder that's being deleted, then the asset will automatically move to the Uncategorized folder.

To delete a folder:

  • click the gear on the right hand side next to the folder you want to delete
  • select delete

Editing Content in Folders

For easy editing without losing your place, open your content in a new tab using the shortcut option as shown below:

Folder Metadata

Content type, creator, and date the folder/content was created can be seen from the right panel, as shown below:

Bulk Folder Operations

Moving Folders in Bulk

To move folders in bulk hold down Control on your keyboard while selecting each folder. Then, drag and drop your folders into the new folder on the left hand folder navigation tree. 

Deleting Folders in Bulk

To delete one or more folders click the bulk actions checkbox then select Delete from the Actions dropdown as shown below. 

Deleting Folders, Not Assets

Only folders can be deleted, assets cannot be deleted from the folder management console. If an asset resides in a folder that's being deleted, then the asset will automatically move to the Uncategorized folder.

Information Panel

Clicking on an asset in a folder reveals an information panel to the right. The panel displays key metadata on the asset. Different information might be displayed based on the asset. The info panel can display important information such as name, engagement, ownership, update dates, and more. 


To search for folders or assets in the folder management console click the search icon as shown below. Filter by type of asset and/or sort from ascending/descending or name (A to Z and Z to A) using the dropdowns below the search field. 

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