Captello integrates with GEVME’s virtual event platform by automatically identifying players and posting scores to leaderboards. The instructions below explain how to embed an activation / game and a leaderboard into the GEVME environment. Integration only takes a few minutes with no development required.
Embedding an Activation/Game into GEVME
To embed a game and automatically identify players without showing a form do the following:
In Captello, navigate to Events > Activations
Next to the Activation you’d like to embed, click the down arrow and select Launch
Note, you can also get the embed link from the Action step within the Activation Builder.
Click the Copy button in the modal.
If you included a Capture Form in your Activation/Game make sure to use the Without Capture setting as shown below when embedding into GEVME.
Append GEVME parameters. Add the query string parameters shown below to the end of your embed URL that you copied in the previous step.
Your final embed URL will look something like the below:
Inside GEVME, add an HTML block using the Venue Editor and insert your final embed URL:
<iframe src="{{}}&ll_3p_fn={{user.firstname}}&ll_3p_ln={{user.lastname}}&ll_3p_co={{}}"></iframe>
Embedding a Leaderboard into GEVME
The process of embedding a leaderboard into GEVME is done in a similar manner to embedding the game.
In Captello, click on Leaderboard from the dropdown next to the activation/game you want to embed.
Configure your leaderboard settings then click Launch.
Copy the URL in your browser.
Paste the URL into the HTML block inside GEVME where you’d like to display your leaderboard.
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