Inactivity Periods

Inactivity Periods


Inactivity Periods monitor Prospect's inbound activity and trigger any number of actions when a Prospect is inactive for a specified period of time. Inactivity Periods can be set to recur, or run once whenever a Prospect becomes inactive. Inactivity Periods can run on your entire Prospect database, or only on specific Segments. Inactivity Periods are designed in a flexible way to meet any number of use cases, such as score decay (as shown below). 

Setting Up Inactivity Periods

Configure More Than One!

You're not limited to setting up a single Inactivity Period. Depending on your business needs, you can setup any number of Inactivity Periods.

To set up a Score Threshold do the following:

  • Navigate to Settings > App Setup > Lead QualificationInactivity.
  • Click the New button.
  • Fill out the popup:
    • No activity in: Defines the period where no inbound activity occurred. Choose from Days, Weeks, Months, and Years. 
    • Limit: Set the number of times the Inactivity Period will execute. For example, suppose you had an Inactivity Period set for 1 month, and chose a Limit of two (2). If the Prospect had no activity for four (4) months, then the Inactivity Period would run in the first and second month where no inbound activity occurred; however, in months three (3) and four (4) the Inactivity Period would not run and any associated actions would not get triggered. 
    • Segment: Optionally choose a Segment to for the Inactivity Period to monitor.
    • Prospect Type: Choose from Known (anyone with an email), Anonymous (anyone without an email), or everyone (both Known and Anonymous). 

  • Once your Inactivity Period is defined, click the down arrow to the right of your Inactivity Period and choose Actions from the menu. 
  • Use cases are limitless when Inactivity Periods are combined with Fulfillment Actions. In the example below, we decrease the Prospect's Score by 50% each time the Inactivity Period is met. Looking at an example, suppose the Prospect initially had a Score of 500. If the Prospect had no inbound activity for four (4) months, then their score would drop to 250, and then again to 125 (getting cut in half for each Inactivity Period). In this case, the "No activity in" period was set to two (2) months, while the Limit was set to two (2). If another two (2) months passed, then the actions associated with the Inactivity Period would not execute as this would be the third (3) time the Inactivity Period was met, which is more than the defined Limit of two (2). 

  • Finally, enable your Inactivity Period and associated Fulfillment Actions by turning on the switch. 


  • Inactivity Periods are evaluated at 14:00 GMT. 
  • The Inactivity Period engine runs once per day and checks for people who have matched the active Inactivity Periods within the past day, from 12:00AM GMT to 11:59PM GMT. For example, suppose an Inactivity Period was configured to match people who did not have activity for 1 week. If today was Sunday, July 9th, and the activity period ran today, then the system would check for people who had their last Inbound Activity date on Saturday July 1st GMT (one week from yesterday, Saturday July 8th).

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