Account Status
Account Status
Your Account Status page displays important information about your Lead Liaison subscription:
- Account ID = Unique identifier for your company's Lead Liaison account.
- Account Type = The type of account you have with us.
- Industry = The general industry your company is in.
- Day(s) Remaining in Membership = Number of days before your subscription expires.
- Account Valid Until = The day your subscription expires.
- Account Type (Subscription Member / Trial Member) = Identifies your account as a paid (subscription member) or trial account.
- Licensed Users: Number of licensed users.
- Purchase Credits = Available Purchase Credits to use for buying assets in Lead Liaison. There's also a link to add Purchase Credits.
- Questions on Your Account = Who to email if you have questions on your account.
- Social Matches = The number of Social Appends you've used and how many you have remaining on your account.
- Smart Matches = The number of Smart Matches you've used and how many you have remaining on your account.
- ZoomInfo Lookups = The number of lookups you've used for the ZoomInfo People Search and how many you have remaining on your account.
- ZoomInfo Exports = The number of exports you've used for the ZoomInfo People Search and how many you have remaining on your account.
- Free Email Tests = The number of Email Tests that are included with your account. Once they are all consumed, you will need to purchase additional credits for the Email Test feature.
- Sales Enablement User Licenses = The number of emails you can have connected to Sales Enablement. Clicking the number showing will allow you to view what email addresses are using your licenses, and if their current status.
- Prospects Limit = Shows the Prospect limit for your account (if any). Shows the total limit and the current consumed number e.g. 3500 / 5000.
- Grant Access to Lead Liaison Support = Allows Lead Liaison support to access your instance.
- Support End Date = Defines when Lead Liaison support expires.
- Test Scripts = Used with Lead Liaison support to run various tests on your account.
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