Zebra ZD421
- 1 Requirements for Getting Started
- 1.1 Step 1: Download and Install Zebra Printer Setup App
- 1.2 Step 2: Enable Bluetooth and WiFi on Your Phone
- 1.3 Step 3: Discover Printers on the App
- 1.4 Step 4: Activate Bluetooth Pairing on the Printer
- 1.5 Step 5: Pair Printer to Your Device
- 1.6 Step 6: Go to Connectivity Settings
- 1.7 Step 7: Set Up the WiFi Connection (DHCP)
- 1.8 Step 8: Print Network Configuration
- 1.9 Step 9: Set Up Permanent WiFi Connection
Requirements for Getting Started
Power adapter and cord
Mobile phone with Zebra Printer Setup App installed
USB cord (if setting up without phone)
Thermal label roll
Ribbon (if your printer is a Thermal Transfer model)
Note: You will want to set your printer up with labels before starting as you will need to perform test prints.
Follow these directions to connect your printer to the EventGen mobile app for easy badge printing:
Step 1: Download and Install Zebra Printer Setup App
Step 2: Enable Bluetooth and WiFi on Your Phone
Step 3: Discover Printers on the App
Step 4: Activate Bluetooth Pairing on the Printer
Step 5: Pair Printer to Your Device
Step 6: Go to Connectivity Settings
Step 7: Set Up the WiFi Connection (DHCP)
Step 8: Print Network Configuration
Step 9: Set Up Permanent WiFi Connection
Step 1: Download and Install Zebra Printer Setup App
For iPhone: App Store Link
For Android: Google Play Link
Step 2: Enable Bluetooth and WiFi on Your Phone
Go to your phone’s settings and turn on Bluetooth and WiFi.
Step 3: Discover Printers on the App
Open the Zebra Printer Setup App and go to the ‘Discover Printer’ tab.
Step 4: Activate Bluetooth Pairing on the Printer
Plug in the printer and turn it on by pressing the power button.
Hold the middle button on the panel for 7 seconds until the middle-status icon flashes green.
Step 5: Pair Printer to Your Device
Refresh the ‘Discover Printer’ tab in the app and select your printer (identified by its serial number).
Note: You can find your printer’s Serial Number on the bottom of the printer. This will help if multiple devices are discoverable by Bluetooth and you need to find the correct one.
Match the Serial Number found on the bottom of the printer to the available Bluetooth devices.
Step 6: Go to Connectivity Settings
After pairing, go to ‘Connectivity Settings’ in the app and select ‘Wireless’ to set up the WiFi connection for your printer.
Step 7: Set Up the WiFi Connection (DHCP)
Change the IP Addressing Protocol to DHCP. Renaming the Hostname to something easy to remember like ‘ZD421 WIFI’ is optional.
Enter your WiFi Network Name (ESSID) and select ‘WPA PSK’ for Security Mode.
ESSID: Fill out your Wifi’s Network Name. This is the same network name that your device or work computer is connected to. Security Mode: Select ‘WPA PSK’. This setting will just allow you to type in your WiFi Password at a later step to connect your printer. Wireless Band: Select ‘All’. Country: Select ‘Australia/NZ’ or the country from which you are operating. Channel List: Leave blank.
Enter your WiFi Password, press ‘Apply’, and then ‘Restart’.
Note: DHCP Connection will give your printer a temporary IP Address, and an unused IP Address on your internet server to your printer. You can find this IP Address and then set it as a permanent address for your printer. Once this is done, you can use the printer over WiFi from any device on the same network.
Step 8: Print Network Configuration
To find out what IP Address the DHCP connection has assigned to our printer we can print a ‘Network Configuration’.
Hold down the middle and right buttons on the printer for 3 seconds to print the ‘Network Configuration’.
From the top of the labels printed, you should see the title ‘Network Configuration’, find 3 key pieces of information about the printer's wireless settings needed to set up the Permanent WiFi Connection. These are the IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway.
Step 9: Set Up Permanent WiFi Connection
Refresh the ‘Discover Printer’ tab in the app. You will now see the printer available to be connected by both Bluetooth and WiFi.
Select the printer that is available for a WiFi connection.
Change the IP Addressing Protocol to Permanent and enter the IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway mentioned in Step 8.
If these are already filled out, check that they match the Network Configuration numbers from Step 8. If not then manually enter the 12-digit code that you printed in Step 8. Your code should look something like the following (X’s are replaced with your results):
Follow the previous steps Step 7 part 2 and Step 7part 4 part to complete the setup.
Make sure everything is filled in the same as before.
Once the printer has restarted (through your phone prompt) the printer has been successfully set up on your network and can be operated from your phone.
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