Progress Reports

Progress Reports


Progress Reports show players their progress toward Goals. Even without a Player Profile, players can see which steps they have left to complete, view instructions, and and visit the Global Leaderboard.


Creating Progress Reports

To create a Progress Report, turn on the Enable Progress Reports toggle when creating a Goal.

Basic Settings

  • Group Completed Activations - enable to display completed Activations together at the top or bottom of the Progress report.

  • Heading - enter text to display at the top of the Progress Report.

  • Template - toggle between Standard or Advanced settings.

  • Help Text - enter text to display on Help buttons.

Add help text to your Activation when connecting it to the Goal. Players can use help text to find their way to the next Waypoint or Activation.

Banner Settings

  • Image - select a banner for the Progress Report.

Recommended resolution for the banner is 1024x320 (16:5 aspect ratio).

  • Link - optionally add a link for users who click/tap on the banner.

  • Target - select whether to open the link in the same window, in a new window, or in a popup (lightbox).

  • Colors - set background and border colors for the banner section.

Style Settings

  • Background Image (Advanced Templates only) - select a background image for the progress reports.

  • Background Fit (Advanced Templates only) - toggle between background fit settings.

    • Fixed - the system will preserve the image dimensions, adding margin or cropping as necessary.

    • Cover - the system will cover the background, even if this means stretching the image.

    • Repeat - the system will repeat the image to fill the background if the image is smaller than the screen.

    • Contain - the system will display the full image and add margin if the dimensions do not match the screen.

  • Colors - set background colors; use two colors for a gradient, or a single color for a solid background.

    • Timeline Connector Line (Advanced Templates only) - change the color of the line connecting Activations in the timeline.

  • Gradient Direction - select gradient direction if using two background colors.

  • Display Cover Photo - enable to show the Activation cover photo in the Timeline.

  • Display Prize - enable to show the player’s prize for each Activation (if they have won a prize).


  • Leaderboard - select a Leaderboard to add a shortcut at the bottom of the Progress Report.

  • Second Button - add a second button to a custom URL to the bottom of the Progress Report.

The Second Button is great for adding instructions to a scavenger hunt or a call to action for players.

Previewing Progress Reports

To preview a progress report, navigate to Events > Activations > Goals. Find the appropriate goal, and use the Preview icon in the action menu to the right.

You can also preview the Progress Report when editing the goal.

Connecting Player Profiles

Players can connect their Player Profile to the Progress Report. They can either Sign Up for a new profile, or use the Login option to connect an existing one.


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