Player Profile

Player Profile

Player profile is a centralized dashboard where a player can see all of their Activation activities including any earned points as well as any won rewards. They can also track their Goal progress.

Player Profile URL

To get the player profile link, follow these steps:

Go to Events > Activations >  Launch (Without Capture) > and copy the “Domain.com” part of the URL. This is your player profile link. For example:

Above URL will open the Player Profile page as shown below.

From here, you can first register using your email address and then log into your player profile page. After registration, you will receive an email with a link to verify your email address first.

Once you login, you’ll see your player profile dashboard. There are two sections:

  • Activity - This shows all of your Activation activities.

  • Progress - view assigned Goals and progress.


Profile Settings

You can edit your profile information, change your password or simply log out of the player profile by clicking on the logo at the top right.

From the Edit Profile page, you can add/change your profile picture, name, address and phone number.

Register Player Profile Automation Action

Register Player Profile action registers a player profile under the account. You can use this action to auto-create the player profile and access for the person (once the person is verified).

If Send verification email is unchecked then system will not send an email to the user to set the password for their player profile.

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