Events Dashboard


The Events Dashboard displays metrics from your events. From here, you can view the number of submissions, data on how the Prospects were captured, and even view an ROI.

Viewing the Dashboard

To view the Events Dashboard,

  • Click the Dashboard tab in the main menu.

  • If necessary, select Events in the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the screen.

  • Select filters.

The default filter is for the Last 7 Days. You can also filter by Event Name, the Event Owner, a time frame, or an Event Label. If you filter by Event Name, you won't see options for Owner, time, or Label. 

Summary Bar

Use the Summary Bar at the top of the Dashboard to get a quick overview of your event. 








Total number of unique submissions

Includes duplicates if duplicates are enabled on your Event Form

Prospects Collected

Number of unique Prospects

Unique identifier is email address

Quality (Grade)

Average Grade of all Prospects

Learn more about grading here

Engagement (Score)

Average Engagement Score of all Prospects

Learn more about scoring here


Submissions awaiting transcription or post-show reconciliation

Failed badge scans will also appear in this number

Related Prospects*

Lets you view any Related Prospects that have been fetched during submission action

Only available with Sales Enablement license

Leads per Event

Average number of unique Prospects captured in selected Filter

Cost Per Lead*

Cost of show divided by number of Prospects


Revenue from Closed-Won Deals associated with the Event's Campaign

Only available with OneFocusâ„¢ CRM or a integration 


Return or loss percentage using revenue from Closed-Win Deals associated with the Event's Campaign

Only available with OneFocusâ„¢ CRM or a integration 

*Only available when an individual Event is selected.

In order to calculate Cost Per Lead and ROI, your Event must be in a Lead Liaison Campaign. The system will use the cost you put in the Campaign. 


View the table below for a summary of dashboard reports available.







Hot Prospects

Prospects who show recent engagement with your content (clicked an email, downloaded content, etc.) and meet basic qualification rules

Learn more about Hot Prospects here

Top 5 Device Users

Users who captured the most Prospects but total submissions

Click the numbers to view Prospects

Prospects Collected

Number of Prospects captured by date

Click the numbers to view Prospects

Capture Method

How the user captured the Prospect (badge scan, business card, manual entry, or List)

Click the numbers to view Prospects


Number of transcriptions (both internal and external) done by date

Also displays average turnaround time; click the info icon to see individual submission turnaround times.

Post Event Engagement

Percentage of Prospects who show inbound activity after the event (opened email, downloaded content, etc.)

Click the numbers to view Prospects

Pending Submissions

Number of incomplete transcriptions by original submission date

Use the toggles to turn on/off different pending submission types

Converted Registrants

Number of Prospects on a List connected to your Event that were scanned in during the Event

Click the numbers to view Prospects

Top Companies

Companies with the highest number of submissions

Click the numbers to view Prospects

365 Users

A list of 365 users along with their submission numbers

Click the numbers to view each user’s submissions


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