EventGen Registration
- 1 Overview
- 1.1 Standard Method
- 1.1.1 Cart
- 1.2 Advanced Method
- 1.2.1 Contact Information
- 1.2.2 Payment Information
- 1.2.3 Previously purchased Tickets
- 1.2.4 Carts
- Cart Summary
- 1.3 My Tickets
- 1.1 Standard Method
EventGen registration allows registrants to self-register for the event. The organizers can set up two different ticket registration methods to enhance the attendee experience. The two methods are the standard and advanced methods.
Standard Method
To purchase tickets for an event, click on the Tickets button on the event page as shown here:
A pop-up with the available tickets will be displayed.
Fill in the information to be associated with the ticket and click 'Next'.
Note: If the button 'Save and Add Another Ticket' is displayed, you will be able to register multiple people for the event at the same time.
You will be redirected to the Contact Information box where users can enter their information to purchase tickets. Confirm the email address for the designated confirmation email or specify another recipient for the ticket.
A success message will be displayed with the option to ‘Place Another Order' to register for a new ticket or 'Close’ to close the popup.
You will also receive a confirmation email generated by the system. This email will look something like this:
You can add the event to your calendar and set a reminder for the event.
If you click on the 'Close' icon after choosing a ticket, a prompt will be displayed giving the option to either cancel and continue the registration process or close the registration and empty the cart.
Advanced Method
To purchase tickets for an event, click on the Tickets button on the event page as shown here:
This will open the page containing information about all the available tickets. This includes both on-sale and sold-out tickets.
To purchase tickets, click on ‘Add Tickets’ or ‘Register’, and it will take you to the Ticket Information screen from where you can select the number of tickets and fill in your information if it is set as optional or required.
If a specified Maximum quantity of tickets per order is added, a text will be displayed once you click the Register button of a ticket to notify you while registering.
The Register button will be disabled as well once the Maximum quantity of tickets per order is reached.
If a specified Minimum quantity of tickets per order is added, a text will be displayed once you click the Register button of a ticket to notify you while registering.
The checkout will not proceed until the Minimum quantity of tickets per order is met.
Note: If there is a limit on the minimum or maximum number of tickets per order, this detail will be displayed at the top of the registration form. If the maximum number of tickets limit is met, then the ticket will no longer be available for purchase. If the minimum number of tickets limit is not met, a notification will be displayed on the cart.
By clicking Next, you will go to the Activities page, in which you can add additional activities to your ticket.
Filter the session using the 'Categories' dropdown. Select the desired category or categories by checking the box next to each one.
Note: You can click on a session, activity, or add-on to view its details. Click Back to return to the previous screen.
Then you will be taken to the Activities page.
Then you will be taken to the Add-ons page.
Then you will be taken to the Packages page, where you can add Tickets (Addons) which is an optional ticket added from the builder.
You will then get a summary of everything you choose to purchase.
You can then continue to the checkout page.
Notice there is a timer indicating the time left to purchase your selected tickets. After that time has passed, the tickets will be removed from your bucket and will again become available for purchase. You may also extend the timer when the system asks for it.
Checkout is a 2-step process:
Contact Information
Payment Information
Contact Information
Clicking on Checkout will open the Contact Information box where users can enter their information to purchase tickets. The Contact Information is required in all cases, regardless of the types of tickets in the shopping cart.
Payment Information
Next, proceed to submit the payment information. This includes name, address, and credit card information. Then click on the Place Order button.
Once the order is placed, a confirmation text is displayed with the options to redirect you to the ‘My Tickets' page, the ‘My Orders’ page, and the 'Event Details’.
You will also receive a confirmation email generated by the system. This email will look something like this:
For multiple tickets purchased, each ticket is presented in its own individual PDF as shown:
Previously purchased Tickets
When a ticket is bought, an information panel appears displaying the message ‘You’ve already registered for this event.' This serves as a notification to the attendees that they have previously acquired one or more tickets for this event.
By clicking the 'View’ button, the types and quantities of tickets that have been bought will be displayed.
To display detailed information about these tickets, click on the ‘More Info' button. You will then be redirected to the 'My Tickets’ page, where all the tickets and their specifics are displayed.
Display the tickets' details that are saved but not purchased yet.
Cart Summary
Upon selecting one of these tickets, you'll be taken to the Cart Summary page. From there, you have the option to go ahead with the checkout process, modify the details of a ticket, delete tickets, explore the details of the event linked to the ticket, see tickets for the associated event, or review your own tickets.
My Tickets
You can also check your booked tickets from the My Tickets page here:
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