


Lead Liaison sets the following cookies on a visitor's browser when a visitor uses their browser to access a website containing Lead Liaison's tracking code. 

The following cookies are added to the visitor's browser:

  1. ll_IP: An encoded version of the Prospect's original IP Address collected during their initial visit.
  2. lluniqck: A unique token that's 36 characters in length. It is generated for use with the IP Address as a way to uniquely identify a visitor.
  3. llprspctid: An integer representing the Lead Liaison Prospect Identifier.  This value is optionally set to better track the Prospect. For example, when a Prospect clicks an email link or submits a form with a different email address from the email address originally collected. 
  4. ll_prospect_id_encoded: base64 encoded version of the Prospect ID. See more information on this cookie here.

Many browsers have begun blocking third-party cookies. For the best experience, you can use our Privacy settings to encourage Prospects to opt-in to cookies. When they opt in to cookies, they ensure they get the most relevant content to them.

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