Working with Tracking Code
To begin tracking your website visitors you must install tracking code on each page of your website you wish to track. Most businesses install the tracking code in their website header file. A header file is a single file for your website which typically contains your company logo and navigation links. By including tracking code in a single header file, which is part of every web page, all web pages will be tracked.
Types of Tracking Code
Two types of tracking are available to use, on load tracking or lazy load tracking. Lazy load tracking is the preferred type of tracking code to use. Lead Liaison Support will help configure your account tracking code for you. By default, your account will be configured with lazy load tracking unless otherwise agreed to.
Locating your Tracking Code
You can find your tracking code and tracking code installation options by doing the following:
- Login to Lead Liaison
- Click Settings > Account > Tracking Code
Tip: Viewable by Administrators Only
Only Users with administration rights may access the tracking code installation page located under Settings > Account.
Installing your Tracking Code
Once your account is configured install your tracking code into your website. Installing tracking code typically takes less than 5 minutes. There are three ways to install the tracking code:
- Install it yourself.
- Send instructions via email to your webmaster or a friend.
- Contact us and we'll do it for you!
Tip: Where to Place the Tracking Code
The code can go anywhere in your web page; however, it is recommended to add it in the footer of your website.
Tip #1: Add the tracking code to the footer of the webpage or website you want to track. Adding the code to the footer ensures page loading is not interrupted.
Tip #2: If this code will be embedded into a web page under SSL (https) then change the src value in the first line of code to If your website uses both http and https then use the SSL version of the tracking code. If you use the non-SSL version of the tracking code behind your https pages visitors will not be tracked.
Tip #3: Add var ll_trk_no_ck = true; if you do not want to use cookies for tracking and want to use IP addresses only.
Also, the lines of code must stay in the same order.
Validating your Tracking Code
To validate your tracking code has been successfully installed you'll need to check the website using two methods:
- Website source code
- Network communication
To do this, launch the Google Chrome browser. We'll be using built in debug tools to complete the analysis.
Step 1: Validating Source Code
Look for your tracking code in the source code of the website. If you do not see tracking code there, then move to Step 2. If the tracking code was installed via something like Google Tag Manager, the tracking code may not be visible via Step 1.
- Open your website
- Right click on your homepage and select View page source to open a new tab with your website's source code
- Hit Ctrl+F on your keyboard to open the search box in the top right side of the browser. If your account was configured after January 1st, 2016, enter in llanalytics as shown below. If your account was configured prior to that enter in
- Look for the highlighted text and your complete tracking code snippet. Validate your tracking code meets the instructions in your account, which can be found at Settings > Account > Tracking Code.
Step 2: Network Communication
If you did not find your tracking code in Step 1, then inspect the network communication between your website and Lead Liaison's servers to detect communication.
- In Google Chrome, right click and select Inspect
- In the panel that opens, select the Network tab
- In the search box, as shown below, type in the word collector. Then, click the refresh icon in your browser to reload the page. It's important to refresh the browser to load the page from the start. If tracking code is installed you will see either collector.php, collector.js or collector.min.js under the "Name" section as shown below.
- In the table below, right click on the header, as shown below, and select Domain if you do not see it. Make sure the file is pointing to Lead Liaison (i.e.,, etc.).
- If you do not see one of these files under the Name column, and/or the file is not pointing to Lead Liaison then your tracking code is not installed. Consult your webmaster or IT department ASAP.
- If you do see your tracking code, do a double check to ensure network activity is happening by replacing the word collector in the search box with trackActivity. You do not need to refresh the browser page. If the tracking code is installed and working successfully then you should see a new request every 5 to 15 seconds as shown below.
On Load Tracking
On load tracking code is an alternative option to lazy load tracking code. On load tracking code loads all java script files while your website loads. In the unlikely event of a failure or timeout of one of Lead Liaison's servers on load tracking could impact the loading of your companies website. The advantage of on load tracking is faster loading and more real-time tracking of website visitors and meta data such as page views, revenue, location and more. Below is an example of on load tracking code:
<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>var llcustid = 11111;</script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
Lazy Load Tracking
Lazy load tracking code is the preferred option over on load tracking. Lazy load tracking loads necessary java script files after your website page loads. Loading files after your website loads is important to make sure the loading of your website pages is unabated by Lead Liaison's infrastructure. For example, if in the unlikely event Lead Liaison's servers were to timeout or go offline it will have no material impact to your website visitors since your page will have already loaded. Below is an example of Lead Liaison's lazy load tracking code:
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'> var llcustid = 11238; LazyLoad.js(''); LazyLoad.js(''); </script>
Tracking HTTPS Pages
If this code will be embedded into a web page under SSL (https) then change the src value in the first line of code to
Using IP Tracking Instead of Cookie Tracking
Some countries have strict regulations on placing cookies on a visitor's browser. For this reason, Lead Liaison provides a setting in the tracking code that does not set cookies. Instead, the tracking code will use the visitors IP address and no cookies will be placed on the visitor's browsers. To enable IP tracking instead of cookie tracking add this JavaScript variable into your tracking code: var ll_trk_no_ck = true;
To ensure cookies are not set on Lead Liaison assets check the Do not set cookies for assets if visitor is not already cookied setting under Admin > Account > Settings > Lead Capture. Checking this box identifies multiple visitors as the same person if their visit originates from the same IP address and browser. Assets are landing pages, web forms, trackable content, sales emails, etc.
Tracking Multiple Domains
It is possible to track multiple domains using the same tracking code. For example, if you are a customer with multiple websites (,,, etc.) you could use the same tracking code on each website. All data (leads, tracking info, etc.) will be aggregated. You will see all data for all domains in a single view within Lead Liaison. The My Leads page does allow viewing leads for each domain too. To see visitor data for a given domain do the following on the My Leads page:
Tracking Sub Domains
Lead Liaison can easily track sub domains. Sub domains look like this:
Use the same tracking code across all the pages of your sub domains.
Let your Lead Liaison Revenue Success Manager know if you have sub domains you'll be tracking.
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