What you Need to Know about Visitor Tracking
How are people tracked?
Lead Liaison uses both cookies, IP addresses, and website client data (browser) to uniquely identify visitors. When cookies are allowed, the unique identifier becomes the email address. Past, current, and future visitors are merged together using the email address. When cookies are not allowed (blocked), the unique identifier is the visitor's IP address concatenated with the header value of "HTTP_USER_AGENT" from the user's browser.
How often is the data updated?
Lead Liaison's geolocation (city, state, country, zip, etc.) data is updated every week. Company, ISP, and domain data is updated every month.
How accurate is the data?
Lead Liaison tests the accuracy of the geolocation data on a periodic basis. In our recent tests, the databases were 99.8% accurate on a country level, 90% accurate on a state level in the US, and 84% accurate for cities in the US within a 31 mile (50 kilometer) radius. Below are additional data points on geolocation accuracy. Accuracy is determined by the location we return falling within the selected distance of the true location of the IP address. In other words, taking the 3rd data point below, 84% of the locations we return are within 31 miles of the actual location of the end-user.
Contact your Lead Liaison representative if you're seeking data points for countries other than the US.
Country | Data Point | Range | Accuracy |
United States | City | 250km / 155.3 miles | 93% |
United States | City | 100km / 62.1 miles | 89% |
United States | City | 50km / 31 miles | 84% |
United States | City | 25km / 15.5 miles | 75% |
United States | City | 10km / 6.21 miles | 57% |
United States | City | Exact | 50% |
United States | Postal/Zip Code | Exact | 33% |
How much of the IP address space do you cover?
We cover all of the IPv4 space, including all publicly available IP addresses, and we cover nearly all IPv6 addresses in use. Note that some IP addresses may not be in use or may be reserved for private networks. These addresses are not locatable. For example, the IP address is used by each computer to refer to itself, so it cannot be located.
How many IP addresses are in your database?
We have data on close to 4 billion IP addresses.
Countries | 250 |
IP Addresses | 3,608,222,469 |
Number of IP Addresses Per Country
ISO 3166 Code | Country Name | Number of IP addresses |
AF | Afghanistan | 143,886 |
AX | Åland Islands | 39,557 |
AL | Albania | 371,759 |
DZ | Algeria | 3,746,845 |
AS | American Samoa | 13,193 |
AD | Andorra | 39,164 |
AO | Angola | 1,102,601 |
AI | Anguilla | 8,453 |
A1 | Anonymous Proxy | 57,807 |
AQ | Antarctica | 4,419 |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 54,259 |
AR | Argentina | 18,724,710 |
AM | Armenia | 615,977 |
AW | Aruba | 56,330 |
AP | Asia/Pacific Region | 137,872 |
AU | Australia | 48,769,078 |
AT | Austria | 11,085,216 |
AZ | Azerbaijan | 723,556 |
BS | Bahamas | 145,194 |
BH | Bahrain | 460,652 |
BD | Bangladesh | 1,068,288 |
BB | Barbados | 159,498 |
BY | Belarus | 1,894,798 |
BE | Belgium | 26,906,367 |
BZ | Belize | 241,933 |
BJ | Benin | 64,576 |
BM | Bermuda | 124,491 |
BT | Bhutan | 26,048 |
BO | Bolivia | 1,130,205 |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 819,217 |
BW | Botswana | 124,696 |
BR | Brazil | 81,200,816 |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | 1,535 |
VG | British Virgin Islands | 41,916 |
BN | Brunei | 203,517 |
BG | Bulgaria | 4,385,180 |
BF | Burkina Faso | 63,210 |
BI | Burundi | 24,960 |
KH | Cambodia | 254,208 |
CM | Cameroon | 190,168 |
CA | Canada | 82,641,030 |
CV | Cape Verde | 22,784 |
BQ | Caribbean Netherlands | 21,767 |
KY | Cayman Islands | 200,618 |
CF | Central African Republic | 10,757 |
TD | Chad | 13,581 |
CL | Chile | 10,052,748 |
CN | China | 333,402,426 |
CX | Christmas Island | 256 |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 261 |
CO | Colombia | 17,250,682 |
KM | Comoros | 4,357 |
CG | Congo - Brazzaville | 52,129 |
CD | Congo - Kinshasa | 69,361 |
CK | Cook Islands | 8,458 |
CR | Costa Rica | 2,562,041 |
CI | Côte d’Ivoire | 201,600 |
HR | Croatia | 2,410,955 |
CU | Cuba | 257,280 |
CW | Curaçao | 293,801 |
CY | Cyprus | 729,997 |
CZ | Czech Republic | 8,311,032 |
DK | Denmark | 13,070,259 |
DJ | Djibouti | 53,785 |
DM | Dominica | 18,248 |
DO | Dominican Republic | 1,569,688 |
EC | Ecuador | 2,646,175 |
EG | Egypt | 14,346,127 |
SV | El Salvador | 673,432 |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | 13,155 |
ER | Eritrea | 4,352 |
EE | Estonia | 1,384,735 |
ET | Ethiopia | 99,072 |
EU | Europe | 4,770,187 |
FK | Falkland Islands | 2,183 |
FO | Faroe Islands | 42,916 |
FJ | Fiji | 139,884 |
FI | Finland | 13,649,934 |
FR | France | 80,064,713 |
GF | French Guiana | 70,224 |
PF | French Polynesia | 62,723 |
TF | French Southern Territories | 266 |
GA | Gabon | 338,752 |
GM | Gambia | 26,533 |
GE | Georgia | 1,188,743 |
DE | Germany | 120,725,359 |
GH | Ghana | 521,889 |
GI | Gibraltar | 72,624 |
GR | Greece | 6,181,426 |
GL | Greenland | 20,746 |
GD | Grenada | 25,094 |
GP | Guadeloupe | 229,605 |
GU | Guam | 224,447 |
GT | Guatemala | 628,202 |
GG | Guernsey | 40,971 |
GN | Guinea | 27,293 |
GW | Guinea-Bissau | 10,499 |
GY | Guyana | 46,144 |
HT | Haiti | 168,704 |
HN | Honduras | 498,800 |
HK | Hong Kong SAR China | 11,632,288 |
HU | Hungary | 5,873,605 |
IS | Iceland | 865,834 |
IN | India | 37,212,523 |
ID | Indonesia | 19,152,932 |
IR | Iran | 10,938,031 |
IQ | Iraq | 605,963 |
IE | Ireland | 7,996,930 |
IM | Isle of Man | 80,666 |
IL | Israel | 7,813,790 |
IT | Italy | 53,568,516 |
JM | Jamaica | 269,708 |
JP | Japan | 204,198,802 |
JE | Jersey | 63,224 |
JO | Jordan | 666,619 |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 2,869,139 |
KE | Kenya | 3,896,447 |
KI | Kiribati | 6,400 |
KW | Kuwait | 1,925,220 |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | 272,144 |
LA | Laos | 65,280 |
LV | Latvia | 1,854,045 |
LB | Lebanon | 503,267 |
LS | Lesotho | 106,284 |
LR | Liberia | 21,381 |
LY | Libya | 332,040 |
LI | Liechtenstein | 98,370 |
LT | Lithuania | 2,432,323 |
LU | Luxembourg | 1,294,422 |
MO | Macau SAR China | 331,781 |
MK | Macedonia | 687,642 |
MG | Madagascar | 170,005 |
MW | Malawi | 165,833 |
MY | Malaysia | 6,577,066 |
MV | Maldives | 58,112 |
ML | Mali | 73,023 |
MT | Malta | 604,825 |
MH | Marshall Islands | 7,178 |
MQ | Martinique | 175,765 |
MR | Mauritania | 47,928 |
MU | Mauritius | 1,595,759 |
YT | Mayotte | 21,695 |
MX | Mexico | 28,888,740 |
FM | Micronesia | 13,056 |
MD | Moldova | 1,221,974 |
MC | Monaco | 49,690 |
MN | Mongolia | 213,002 |
ME | Montenegro | 179,712 |
MS | Montserrat | 3,082 |
MA | Morocco | 6,738,420 |
MZ | Mozambique | 438,651 |
MM | Myanmar (Burma) | 39,232 |
NA | Namibia | 429,150 |
NR | Nauru | 13,573 |
NP | Nepal | 495,877 |
NL | Netherlands | 49,094,701 |
NC | New Caledonia | 163,162 |
NZ | New Zealand | 7,104,182 |
NI | Nicaragua | 427,264 |
NE | Niger | 44,848 |
NG | Nigeria | 2,785,760 |
NU | Niue | 1,800 |
NF | Norfolk Island | 1,029 |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | 16,640 |
KP | North Korea | 9,523 |
NO | Norway | 15,768,696 |
OM | Oman | 903,372 |
PK | Pakistan | 5,248,165 |
PW | Palau | 10,752 |
PS | Palestinian Territories | 582,418 |
PA | Panama | 2,059,175 |
PG | Papua New Guinea | 60,912 |
PY | Paraguay | 1,093,491 |
PE | Peru | 3,209,018 |
PH | Philippines | 5,435,552 |
PN | Pitcairn Islands | 261 |
PL | Poland | 20,659,397 |
PT | Portugal | 6,439,064 |
PR | Puerto Rico | 1,248,625 |
QA | Qatar | 819,585 |
RE | Réunion | 355,595 |
RO | Romania | 9,583,746 |
RU | Russia | 45,935,922 |
RW | Rwanda | 366,592 |
BL | Saint Barthélemy | 517 |
SH | Saint Helena | 768 |
KN | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 27,816 |
LC | Saint Lucia | 29,469 |
MF | Saint Martin | 6,469 |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 8,710 |
WS | Samoa | 22,642 |
SM | San Marino | 32,005 |
ST | São Tomé and Príncipe | 9,477 |
A2 | Satellite Provider | 789,446 |
SA | Saudi Arabia | 8,040,630 |
SN | Senegal | 227,610 |
RS | Serbia | 2,273,615 |
SC | Seychelles | 3,142,397 |
SL | Sierra Leone | 56,352 |
SG | Singapore | 6,971,110 |
SX | Sint Maarten | 23,556 |
SK | Slovakia | 2,858,514 |
SI | Slovenia | 2,622,455 |
SB | Solomon Islands | 16,138 |
SO | Somalia | 21,326 |
ZA | South Africa | 26,809,317 |
GS | South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands | 261 |
KR | South Korea | 112,300,059 |
SS | South Sudan | 8,202 |
ES | Spain | 29,677,265 |
LK | Sri Lanka | 550,912 |
VC | St. Vincent & Grenadines | 17,413 |
SD | Sudan | 1,071,885 |
SR | Suriname | 87,050 |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | 262 |
SZ | Swaziland | 48,650 |
SE | Sweden | 27,666,783 |
CH | Switzerland | 20,589,070 |
SY | Syria | 963,071 |
TW | Taiwan | 35,506,719 |
TJ | Tajikistan | 64,771 |
TZ | Tanzania | 1,011,870 |
TH | Thailand | 8,732,910 |
TL | Timor-Leste | 8,708 |
TG | Togo | 22,520 |
TK | Tokelau | 2,049 |
TO | Tonga | 13,072 |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | 524,224 |
TN | Tunisia | 3,652,320 |
TR | Turkey | 16,372,064 |
TM | Turkmenistan | 18,309 |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | 17,676 |
TV | Tuvalu | 12,554 |
UG | Uganda | 259,264 |
UA | Ukraine | 11,806,472 |
AE | United Arab Emirates | 3,689,765 |
GB | United Kingdom | 125,713,783 |
US | United States | 1,594,688,959 |
UY | Uruguay | 2,450,992 |
UM | U.S. Outlying Islands | 260 |
VI | U.S. Virgin Islands | 123,239 |
UZ | Uzbekistan | 238,858 |
VU | Vanuatu | 19,505 |
VA | Vatican City | 13,888 |
VE | Venezuela | 6,798,546 |
VN | Vietnam | 15,671,968 |
WF | Wallis and Futuna | 3,844 |
YE | Yemen | 71,688 |
ZM | Zambia | 915,472 |
ZW | Zimbabwe | 136,802 |
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