Distributed Lead Report

Distributed Lead Report


To view which leads were distributed to users over any period of time you can run the Distributed Lead Report. To access the Distributed Lead Report go to:

  • Go to Reports > System > Distributed Leads

There are two grids, one on top called "Distributed Leads Overview" which has two columns Users and Distributed Leads. Distributed Leads is the total count of all leads Distributed to that person by the Distribute Lead action only. The value in this column can be clicked which dynamically shows another grid below called "Distributed Lead Details".

Select a date range at the top of the table to display distributed leads over a range of time for all users. After filtering over a period of time, the value in the "Distributed Leads" column can be clicked which shows only those specific leads distributed to that user during the chosen time frame.  

Log Info

Distributed lead log information is stored for up to one year.

What Gets Counted?

If any of the choices in the graphic below are selected on the Distribute Lead action and the lead goes to a user then we count it as being distributed. We do not count a distributed lead if the radio button selected was "Hopper and Assign To" and the drop down was not selected (goes to Unassigned then). The distributed lead count per user also goes up by one if the “If all Users are skipped then send leads to Distribution Rule” setting is turned on for the Distribution Rule. In summary, all distributed and re-distributed leads are counted included leads distributed via the "Enable automatic lead distribution" setting on your Account Settings page. Assigned leads from the Visitors page or the Hopper are not included in the Distributed Lead Report. 

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