ID Data Capture

ID Data Capture


The lead capture platform can scan drivers licenses, student IDs, and many other ID types. The AAMVA DL/ID Design Standard specifies the format of data contained in the PDF 417 barcode found on IDs. This Google Sheet shows the standard data elements available in most IDs. Over 50 Prospect Standard Fields are automatically created to allow data to flow from the ID into the system. Follow the steps below to set up your mobile app to capture data from IDs.

Mobile App Setup

Depending on your use case you could either use the device’s native camera to scan IDs or pair your device with a handheld scanner. Either way, the platform supports both. To change your scanning device navigate to the menu, then Settings > Accessories > Scanner > and chose Camera or Handheld.

Web App Setup

First, build a form to capture data. Reference the Lead Capture Management guide for more information on setting up your form. To configure your data capture form for ID scanning:

  • Add the Scanner element to your form.

  • Click on the Scanner element to view the properties panel to the right.

  • Change Scan Type to ID.

  • Select ID Provider as North America.

Automatically insert all 50+ possible ID data fields into your form using the Insert related form fields link as shown on the right of the screenshot below. This feature also automatically maps all data fields to Prospect Fields. Then, simply remove fields you don’t need to capture.

Start Scanning

Follow these videos to start scanning IDs:

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