Developer Kits (Exhibitor Portal)


This article goes through purchasing a developer kit from an exhibitor portal, setting up a Captello capture form for lead scanning using the purchased developer kit, and using the developer kit with 3rd party software.

These instructions apply only to Captello-issued developer kits from a Captello exhibitor portal.

Purchasing a Developer Kit and Acquiring Credentials

To purchase a developer kit from an exhibitor portal, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Orders > New Order as shown below:

  • Add the ‘Developer Kit’ service to the cart.

  • Proceed to checkout and place your order.

Acquiring Credentials

  • Once the order is successful, navigate to Orders > My Services as shown below:

  • Click on the developer kit’s Details hyperlink.

  • You will be presented with your credentials.

Setting up a Captello Capture Form for Lead Scanning

For information about creating a capture form, refer to

To set up lead scanning with the developer kit credentials on your capture form, follow the steps below:

  • Access the scanner element properties.

  • From the ‘Scan provider’ drop-down, select ‘Captello Exhibitor Shared’.

  • Add your credentials to the ‘Token’ and ‘Environment’ fields.

  • Save the form.

Your capture form is now ready to scan badges from the Exhibitor Portal event! As usual, make sure to do a test scan with a test badge before going live on the show floor.

Using Third Party Lead Scanning Software

Using 3rd party software with the developer kit requires additional development using the instructions below.

API Documentation

The token acquired earlier is to be used as an API key.


Depending on your environment (shown in your developer kit details), use one of the following URLs.



Response for a Valid Badge ID

{ "success": 1, "info": [ { "ll_field_id": 9, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "WorkPhone", "value": "111-111-111" }, { "ll_field_id": 10, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "MobilePhone", "value": "(111) 1111-1111" }, { "ll_field_id": 16, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "FirstName", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 17, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "LastName", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 21, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "Email", "value": "" }, { "ll_field_id": 22, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "Company", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 24, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "Website", "value": "" }, { "ll_field_id": 26, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "Country", "value": "USA" }, { "ll_field_id": 27, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "City", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 28, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "State", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 29, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "StreetAddress", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 30, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "FullAddress", "value": "test" }, { "ll_field_id": 31, "ll_field_unique_identifier": "Zipcode", "value": "1111" } ], "additionalInfo": { "action": "default", "is_duplicate": false, "is_pending": false } }

Response if the Capture Form Does Not Have a Scanner Element

{ "success": 0, "message: "Invalid form" }

Response for an Invalid Token

Response for an Invalid Badge ID



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