Lead Tracking

Lead Tracking


Lead Liaison tracks all Known and Unknown (Anonymous) website visitors. A Known visitor is someone with a name or email address associated with them. Everyone in Lead Liaison, whether Known or Unknown, is a Prospect. Unlike some CRM systems which use Leads/Contacts to describe people, we use one word - Prospects. 

We use cookeis to help track visitors from one visit to another. Many browsers have begun blocking third-party cookies. For the best experience, you can use our Privacy settings to encourage Prospects to opt-in to cookies. When they opt in to cookies, they ensure they get the most relevant content to them.

Connecting Past to Present

Once a Prospect is converted from Unknown to Known Lead Liaison connects all of the Prospects anonymous online activity (website visits, searches, etc.) with their identifiable information to form a complete Prospect Profile of past, present and future activity.  

Becoming Known

There are five ways a Prospect becomes Known. As shown in the diagram below, the orange circles to the right are the different ways a person gets identified. Lead Liaison provides methods for each channel that allow you to capture a person's name or email address and convert them from Unknown > Known. 

  1. 1:1 Email (Outlook or Google email clients)
  2. Email Campaigns
  3. Web Forms
  4. Media Downloads
  5. Video Watches 

Each of these five channels are described in more detail below. 

Via Email Campaigns

Using Lead Liaison's email marketing system or any 3rd party Email Service Provider (ESP) such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, users can embed encoded links into email campaigns . Once an encoded link is clicked the Prospect and their online activity will be tracked. Since we know who the person is (name and email) we can encode identifiable information (IDs) into the link. Once the Prospect clicks the link a cookie is placed on their machine. All future activity will be matched with the Prospect, added to their Prospect Profile, and connected with past activity. Any time the user comes back to your website you will know who they are. 

Recording Link Clicks

When using Lead Liaison's email system, keep in mind the contact must not be removed from the list they were added to for Lead Liaison to identify a person by name after a link click and record a link click activity.

Via 1:1 Emails

Using Lead Liaison's Send & Track plug-in to Outlook or Google Apps for Work with Google Chrome, users can embed encoded links into emails. Once an encoded link is clicked the Prospect and their online activity will be tracked. Since we know who the person is (name and email) we can encode identifiable information (IDs) into the link. Once the Prospect clicks the link their machine is cookied. All future activity will be matched with the Prospect, added to their Prospect Profile, and connected with past activity. Any time the user comes back to your website you will know who they are. 

Via Web Forms

Using Lead Liaison's web form capabilities users can build hosted web forms or map existing web forms to Lead Liaison for automatic web form tracking. Once the Prospect submits their name, company, email, etc. essential information is captured which identifies the user and cookies their machine. All future activity will be matched with the Prospect and added to their Prospect Profile and connected with past activity. Any time the user comes back to your website you will know who they are. 

Via Media Downloads

Take your whitepaper, datasheet, case study and more and upload it into Lead Liaison to turn your media into trackable content. Lead Liaison's trackable content allows you to add more control and tracking over your sales and marketing collateral. Control how many times a document is downloaded, when it can be downloaded, redirect users after the content expires, and add a gate (short form to collect email) in front of your content. When a Prospect adds their email address into the form Lead Liaison identifies the person via email. 

Via Video Watches

Instead of using video hosting providers like YouTube or Vimeo, use one of Lead Liaison's video hosting providers, such as Wistia, to help convert more visitors. Lead Liaison integrates with a number of video hosting companies that allow a gate to be added to your video to collect a person's email address at the beginning or end of the video. Reference our video marketing section for more information. 

Tracking Search Terms

Lead Liaison automatically tracks search terms used by website visitors; however, if a visitor is searching for your website and referred to your website while logged into their Google Account search terms will not be collected. In late 2011 Google began encrypting all search traffic under SSL while logged into a Google Account. As a result, if a visitor is searching Google under SSL (logged into their account) it's not technically possible to pick up search terms. Unfortunately, this is a limitation from Google: http://searchengineland.com/google-to-begin-encrypting-searches-outbound-clicks-by-default-97435

Tracking Forwarded Emails

Occasionally a situation may occur where you're communicating with someone, call them Prospect A, and then they leave the company. Suppose your communications to Prospect A doesn't stop but the emails sent to Prospect A are forwarded to Prospect A's manager, Prospect B. If Prospect B clicks a link in the email sent to Prospect A all activity will be tracked as if the person is Prospect A, until an email is sent to Prospect B's email address and Prospect B clicks a link in that email. When this situation occurs try to send a mass email, nurture email or Send & Track email to Prospect B to get them to convert which will re-cookie their machine and overwrite the original cookie containing Prospect A's information with a new cookie containing Prospect B's information. When that happens all future activity from Prospect B will be tracked and recorded under Prospect B's profile. 

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