The player maneuvers the body to dodge numerous obstacles. With the progression of time and successful avoidance of obstacles, the body grows longer.
Should an obstacle strike the head, the central segment of the body, the game concludes.
Should an obstacle collide with any segment of the body, that particular segment is lost from the moving body.
The velocity of the moving entity and the obstacles can be adjusted to incorporate varying difficulty levels into the activation.
Players can choose between two modes: live mode or timer mode.
Public Name
This is the public facing name for the activation. If you use our Goals system, the Public Name is used for the display name there.
Leaderboard Public Name
This refers to the designated name for the leaderboard, should one be selected to accompany the activation.
Cover Image
This thumbnail graphic is displayed in various sections of the mobile application, on players' profiles, and within progress reports.
Play Restrictions
Set the limit to the number of times a player is allowed to play the activation.
Restrict Sources
Prevents the activation from launching outside of the selected zones.
Select the desired setting for the activation's game mode upon the conclusion of the game.
Obstacle speed
The speed at which the obstacles descend. Assign the preferred speed for each of the three obstacles.
Falling object frequency
Defines how often a new object descends. For instance, setting it to 3 means an object falls every three seconds. The interval range is between 1 and 5 seconds.
Mobile object velocity
Determines the pace at which the entire entity, encompassing its head and segments, moves.
Segment spacing interval
Defines how often a new segment is added to the moving object. For instance, a setting of 2 means a segment is appended every two seconds. Interval range is from 1 to 10 seconds.
Head icon
Head of the mobile object. When impacted by a descending obstacle, the game is over.
Body section
Body sections of the moving object (those trailing the head). If these parts are impacted by a descending obstacle, the moving entity shrinks in size, yet the game persists provided the head remains unaffected.
Initial descending object
Graphic for the initial descending object. This image can either be personalized or retained as the default graphic.
Secondary descending object
Graphic representation of the secondary dropping object. This image can either be personalized or retained as the default graphic.
Third descending object
Graphic representation of the third dropping object. This image can either be personalized or retained as the default graphic.
Moving object explosion colors
The explosion effect colors displayed when the moving object collides with a falling item. There are three customizable shades.
Collision resonance
An audio clip that plays when the head of the moving object collides with a descending item.
Segment impact echo
An audio clip that plays when a portion (or portions) of the moving object, excluding the head, is lost upon collision with a descending item.
Tap to start game prompt
This is the text guiding users to initiate the game.
Tap to start game prompt text style
Font style of the Tap to start game prompt.
Score style
Font style of floating score text.
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