


User hits as many of the right animal/logo as possible in the allotted time.


Cover Image - Image used for tile in-app when selecting which Activation/Event you’re at.

Play Restrictions - Lets you configure if the game is limited to number of plays for activations configured for the entire event (Event Group), or a number of plays for an individual activation (Individual). 0 means unlimited.

Prefix/Postfix - Allows you to add text before and after the score. You can have a maximum of 8 characters combined between the Pre and Post portion. Example setting Pre as '$' and Post as USD, the score will display as $1000USD.


Time (in seconds) to finish the game.

Mode - Lets you pick which gameplay mode to be used.

Hit/avoid objects - Objects, Company Logo and Bomb images pop up from the holes. Hitting them raises or lowers score. Game is scored based on how many Objects or Logo’s you can hit within the time limit.

Whack only the Custom Image - Objects and Bombs pop out of the holes. Hitting a bomb reduces your score, hitting an Object which you have starred gives points. Hitting an Object that has not had a star placed in setup ends the game.

Objects - Lets you upload the images to be used as base point popups. You can configure how many points they are worth, and if hitting the object should have a celebration graphic.

Company Logo - Lets you upload the images to be used as special popups. They occur less often and usually give higher points.

Bomb - Lets you upload the images to be used as the bombs. Hitting these usually reduce your points.

Active Status - Lets you configure how long the Activation should be playable. Options are Forever, Specific date range, Inherit from event forms dates, or inactive.



Submit Button Background Color - Lets you configure the background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text Color - Lets you configure the text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.

Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 347 x 85px.

Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.

Background Fit - Gives 3 options on how to display the background image.

Stretch - Scales the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserves images aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeats the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.

Hammer Image - Allows you to customize what the Hammer object looks like in the game

Play Arrow Button - Allows you to customize the popup arrow people need to click to start the game

Close Button - Lets you configure the background image for the close button after the game is finished

Timer Tab Image - Lets you configure the image used behind the timer at the top of the game

Show the Front of the Hole - The hole game objects pop out of has a front and back, this option turns off drawing the front.

Background Color - If you are not using a Background Image, you can configure the color of the background.

Hole Color - Color of the drawn hole that objects come out of.

Front Hole Color - Color of the front of the hole that objects come out of.

Back Button Color - Sets the color of the back button after the activation is complete.

Game Over Background Color - Background color of the popup message box that displays when the game is over.

Game Over Text Color - Font color of the popup message box that displays when the game is over.

Score Color - Lets you set the text color of the score displayed

Loading Screen Background Color - Configures what color the screen turns when the game is loading.

Loading Bar Color - Configures what color the bar is on the loading screen when loading the assets.

Loading Bar Border Color - Configures the border around the bar on the loading page.

Score, Total Close Button and Final Message Font Styles - Lets you select what font is used in various parts of the game.

Screensaver - Lets you turn on a screen saver for the activation when it’s being used inside the capture app.

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