

It is a fun game where you can test the memory of participants with a company branded game of Patterns. Participants memorize light-up patterns and replicate the pattern to win points. High scores can win points or prizes based on your settings. You have the option to choose from a variety of preconfigured blinking lights.


Cover Image

This is the cover image of the activation as displayed on the Captello mobile device.

Play Restrictions

Here you can set the restrictions on game play. There are two options available:

Event Group: The user is allowed this many game plays across all activations associated with the Event. This total applies to any activation that has the Event Group setting enabled.

Individual: Limits the number of times this activation can be played. Empty or 0 is unlimited.


Leaderboard: Scores are sent to the leaderboard.

Prizes: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game. Leaderboards are not used in this mode.

Both: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game and their score is sent to the leaderboard.

Game Modes

By default, the following three modes or patterns are available:







You can also use your own custom images. Recommended image size for the three modes are given below.

Classic: Recommended image dimensions are 500 pixels (width) × 500 pixels (height).

Neon: Recommended image dimensions are 500 pixels (width) × 500 pixels (height).

Space: Recommended image dimensions are 1200 pixels (width) × 1000 pixels (height).

Note: You can choose both images to be the same, one with light, one without light or one image (logo) the other image with light only. Do not use two different images as it will cause a conflict in game play.

Score Per Round: Every time a player plays the correct tones he gets this score. For example, if you set the score to be 10 then if the player played tones the first time correctly, they’ll get a score of 10. On the second correct attempt they get the score 10 + 10 = 20, and the third time they get a score of 30 and so on.

Tone One

Tone played when selecting the first image or image on the top left.

Tone Two

Tone played when selecting the second image or image on the top right.

Tone Three

Tone played when selecting the third image or image on the bottom left.

Tone Four

Tone played when selecting the fourth image or image on the bottom right.

Show Player Names

Displays the player and computer name on screen.


Like other games, this game can be customized to match your brand by using a custom logo, background colors and image etc.

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