


Slice is a game similar to Fruit Ninja, where players earn points & prizes by slicing fruits and other objects.

This game can be played in both Prize and Leaderboard modes.

Like other activations, you can customize the game with your own brand logo, background image as well as custom Items, cursor and sounds etc.



Cover Image

Image used for tile in-app when selecting which Activation/Event you’re at.

Play Restrictions

Here you can set the restrictions on game play. There are two options available:

Event Group: The user is allowed this many game plays across all activations associated with the Event. This total applies to any activation that has the Event Group setting enabled.

Individual: Limits the number of times this activation can be played. Empty or 0 is unlimited.


Leaderboard: Scores are sent to the leaderboard.

Prizes: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game. Leaderboards are not used in this mode.

Both: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game and their score is sent to the leaderboard.

Active Status

Active Status is a way to enable or disable your activation. Settings are described below:

Forever: Makes the activation accessible at all times.

Date Range: Makes the activation accessible from the Start Date and End Date defined. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.

Inherit from Event: Uses the Start Date and End Date of the Event Form. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date of the Event then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.

Inactive: Makes the activation inactive. If a player attempts to play an activation while it is inactive then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.

Items are objects that are thrown from side or upwards. The player will need to either slice or avoid the items. Items are displayed at the start of the game along with their points:


For each item, the following configurations are available:

  • Image: The image for the object

  • Size: The width and height of the object

  • Point: Points received for slicing this item, Points can be positive, negative, or zero.

  • Hitting Probability: Probability of hitting this item. Probability can be any value from 0 to 100.

  • Explode: This setting varies based on the Game Mode. In the Lives Game Mode, a life will be taken away each time the item is sliced. In the Timer Game Mode, an explosion effect will occur when the item is sliced. 

  • Sounds: Sound played when the item moves on the screen.

  • Sounds on slice: Sound played when the item is sliced.

Game Modes

  • Lives - Players will have the specified number of lives when playing the game. Each time an item marked with Explode is sliced, a life will be taken away.
    In this mode, you can set the number of lives as well as the lives image. This image will appear on the top right side of the game. We suggest uploading an image of an item with the Explode value ticked to help the player understand which items to avoid slicing. If more than one item is selected with Explode, include all items within this image. Recommended image dimensions are 1686 pixels (width) × 1686 pixels (height).

  • Timer - Players will get a specified time to slice as many objects as possible.

Allow Combo Bonus Points

Players receive these points for slicing multiple items at once. For this option, you can define your combos and the number of additional points for slicing the combo.


Here you can set the Min and max speeds for throwing items upwards. Increasing the speed throwing an item up higher. Minimum speed from 0 to 5. Maximum from 0 to 10. Suggested min speed is 4 and max speed is 8 for best game experience.

Side Throw Speed

Here you can control the Min and max speeds for throwing items to the side. Minimum speed from 0 to 5. Maximum from 0 to 10.

Throw From Side Timer (Seconds)

Time the game should wait between throwing an item from the side and an item upward.


Image used to replace the cursor (optional). Recommended image dimensions are 400 pixels (width) × 400 pixels (height).

Woosh Sounds

Sound played when moving the cursor. A random sound will be chosen when there's more than one sound effect.

Woosh Sounds Volume

Audio volume level for Woosh Sounds.


Like other Activations, you can customize pretty much anything to include your own custom branding to the game. This includes custom Background Image, Logo, Woosh Color etc.

Submit Button Background Color - Lets you configure the background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text Color - Lets you configure the text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.

Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 559 x 151px.

Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.

Background Fit - Gives 3 options on how to display the background image.

Stretch - Scales the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserves images aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeats the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.

Background Color - If you are not using a Background Image, you can configure the color of the background.

Back Button Color - Color of the back button that exits the activation.

Text Color - Color of text displayed on screen.

Woosh Color - Color of the slice line.

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