Match the correct images to win points. Use text and graphics to teach, illustrate, and award players for remembering key concepts. You can combine Match with presentations to engage audiences and check for understanding.
Cover Image
This is the cover image of the activation as displayed on the Captello mobile device.
Play Restrictions
Here you can set the restrictions on game play. There are two options available:
Event Group: The user is allowed this many game plays across all activations associated with the Event. This total applies to any activation that has the Event Group setting enabled.
Individual: Limits the number of times this activation can be played. Empty or 0 is unlimited.
Leaderboard: Scores are sent to the leaderboard.
Prizes: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game. Leaderboards are not used in this mode.
Both: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game and their score is sent to the leaderboard.
Game Mode
Stacked: Items are stacked on top of each other. The player can only see the item at the top of the stack.
Spread Out: Items are spread out. Player can choose any item to match to the corresponding item.
Number of Items
The number items to start the game with. An item can be a card, an object, a picture, etc.
Time (in seconds) to finish the game.
Animate Points
Animate positive or negative scores after getting something right or wrong.
Hide Item When Match is Complete
Hide the item after dragging it to the destination to submit a match.
Text Position
Selects the position of the text on the left/top side next to the items that need to be matched to the corresponding item.
Container Opacity
The opacity level of the container surrounding all items. Lower opacity will show more of the background behind the container. Value must be between 0 and 100. For example, 70 is a valid value and changes opacity to 70%.
Right Answer Sound
Sound played when the answer is correct.
Wrong Answer Sound
Sound played when the answer is wrong.
Active Status
Active Status is a way to enable or disable your activation. Settings are described below:
Forever: Makes the activation accessible at all times.
Date Range: Makes the activation accessible from the Start Date and End Date defined. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
Inherit from Event: Uses the Start Date and End Date of the Event Form. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date of the Event then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
Inactive: Makes the activation inactive. If a player attempts to play an activation while it is inactive then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
Match comes with some pre-added questions but you can always add any custom questions you like.
For each question, the following options are available:
Question Text - Text shown on the question item.
Answer Text - Text shown on the answer item.
Question Image - Image of the question item. Recommended image dimensions: 289 pixels (width) × 330 pixels (height).
Answer Image - Image of the answer item. Recommended image dimensions: 289 pixels (width) × 330 pixels (height).
Right Answer Points - Number of points for getting the right answer. Accepts zero or any positive value.
Wrong Answer Points - Number of points for getting the wrong answer. Accepts negative values, zero, or positive values.
Background Color
Text Color
Border Color
You can customize most assets to include your own custom branding. This includes custom Backgrounds Images, Logos, Correct/Wrong answer borders, containers, tint colors, etc.
Submit Button Background Color - The background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.
Submit Button Text Color - The text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.
Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.
Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 340x79px.
Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.
Background Fit - Background image configuration
Stretch - Scale the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserve the image's aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeat the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.
Background Color - Background color when there is no background image.
Back Button Color - Color of the back button.
Container Color - Color of the container holding the question/answers.
Answer Tint - Color of the card tint when selecting the correct/wrong answer.
Wrong Answer Border (Destination) - Color of the border when dragging and dropping an item to the destination, but the answer is wrong. The border will appear briefly after the item is dropped.
Correct Answer Border (Destination) - Color of the border when dragging and dropping an item to the destination, but the answer is correct. The border will appear briefly after the item is dropped.
Selected Destination Border - Color of the border when dragging an item to it's destination and before it is released.
Round Edge on Questions - Rounds the edge of the question items. Turning this off will use square edges.
Round Edge on Answers - Rounds the edge of the answer items. Turning this off will use square edges.
Round Edge on Container - Rounds the edge of the containers. Turning this off will use square edges.
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