Audience Poll
You can use this Activation to run an audience poll and view the stats. This activation has a moderator view and an audience view.
Cover Image - Image used for tile in-app when selecting which Activation/Event you’re at.
Play Restrictions - Lets you configure if the game is limited to number of plays for activations configured for the entire event (Event Group), or a number of plays for an individual activation (Individual). 0 means unlimited.
Leaderboard: Scores are sent to the leaderboard.
Prizes: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game. Leaderboards are not used in this mode.
Both: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game and their score is sent to the leaderboard.
Active Status
Active Status is a way to enable or disable your activation. Settings are described below:
Forever: Makes the activation accessible at all times.
Date Range: Makes the activation accessible from the Start Date and End Date defined. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
Inherit from Event: Uses the Start Date and End Date of the Event Form. If a player attempts to play an activation after the End Date of the Event then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
Inactive: Makes the activation inactive. If a player attempts to play an activation while it is inactive then they will receive a message or get redirected to another URL as defined.
You can change these sounds:
Positive Point Sound
Negative Point Sound
Select Sound
Time Up Sound
Timer Mode
Here you can change the appearance of the timer for each question. Three options are available:
Bar - displays the timer in a count down time bar format.
Text - displays the remaining time in text (numbers).
Dashes - displays the time in a count down dashes format.
You also have the options to turn on/off these settings:
Show Score - displays score on screen
Flash Score - flashes the score on screen
Rounded Shape - displays questions & answers in a round shape border.
You can add any number of questions to the game. For each question, the following options can be configured:
Image - any custom image can be used for each question.
Answers Alignment - answers can be aligned left or centered.
Background - background color of the question button.
Text - text font color for the question.
Timer - enables timer mode for the question.
Timer (Seconds) - timer can be set in seconds. This is the maximum allowed time to answer the question.
Time Up Sound - any custom sound can be used for time up.
Deduction Period & Points - It lowers the points the players earn for a correct answer over time. For example, if you set the period to 1 and points to 5, they get a 5 point penalty every second they wait to answer.
Display answers only on the audience's screen - Enabling this setting will show only answers on the audience’s screen. Answers appear as buttons with images inside. The button images and color correlate to the answers on the moderator’s screen. The audience will not see the question. The moderator will need to show the question and answers to the audience on another screen.
You can add a minimum number of two answers and a maximum number of eight answers per question. For each answer, the following options can be configured:
Point - points awarded for the answer.
Selected - color of the tab when the answer is selected.
Font - font color of the answer.
Button - background color of the answer button.
Button Image - each answer can be given a unique image. Comes with default water drop, heart, star and square shaped images.
Button Sound - Sound played when an answer button is clicked.
Poll Settings
Two modes are available to run the poll:
Self-Paced - Add as many question/answer combinations as you want to your live poll. Audience members will see every question/answer combo at the top of your Live column as you add them. They will work through each question/answer combo at their own pace if multiple question/answer combos appear in your Live column.
Moderated - Only one question/answer combo can be shown live at a time. The moderator must move a new question/answer into the Live column before it appears on the audience’s screen. In this mode, you can also turn on/off the following option:
Automatically move the next question/answer at the top of the Unpublished queue to the Live queue when the question/answer in the Live column is moved to Complete by the moderator.
Here is the page you’ll see when a Poll is published and launched in Moderated view:
From this page, you can launch two further views:
Audience View - this will launch the poll for the audience.
Moderator View - this will launch the moderator view of the poll.
You can also edit questions, add new questions as well as start over or end the poll from this screen.
This page provides a list of all the polls run under the game. You can click on the Poll title or the bar graph under the Stats column to view Poll results.
Results can also be exported from the stats page.
Like other Activation, you can customize pretty much every object in the game to match with your brand. This includes the background image, button text & colors, company logo etc. You can also select from a list of predefined Waiting Indicators.
Submit Button Background Color - Lets you configure the background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.
Submit Button Text Color - Lets you configure the text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.
Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.
Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 559 x 151px.
Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.
Background Fit - Gives 3 options on how to display the background image.
Stretch - Scales the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserves images aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeats the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.
Background Color - If you are not using a Background Image, you can configure the color of the background.
Back Button Color - Color of the back button that exits the activation.
Waiting Indicator - Type of waiting indicator that displays when new question is being loaded on screen. The following options are available:
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