

Q: Will I need to remember my login information?

A: No, once you have authenticated your device, we will remember it from then on. Unless you manually unauthenticate or uninstall the app, you won’t have to log in again.


Q: Where do I find the app?

A: Links are included in your invitation email, but you can also search the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for “Captello”


Q: I don’t have an invitation code. Where do I get one?

A: Contact your event coordinator.


Q: I uninstalled the app or have a new device. How can I get my login information?

A: You can use the same code from your previous install. If you no longer have the invite email, your event coordinator can resend the invite to you.


Q: How do I update the app?

A: Like any other app on your mobile device, through the Play Store or App Store.


Q: What are these qualifying questions for, and how do I know what to answer?

A: These questions were designed by your organization. Review the Event instructions and contact your event coordinator if you have questions.


Q: How long will it take to transcribe my leads?

A: Typical transcriptions like resumes and business cards are usually done in less than an hour. Handwritten transcriptions may take longer depending on language and legibility.


Q: I scanned a badge but instead of contact data, I just see the word "scanned" in every field?

A: Your device was unable to connect to the event organizer's API. Typically this is either due to connectivity issues or the organizer's API getting too many requests. Captello will store the submission and try again the next time it syncs.

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