Smart Surveys
- 1 Overview
- 2 Creating a Template for Your Smart Survey
- 3 Building a Smart Survey
- 3.1 General Tab
- 3.2 Sessions Tab
- 3.2.1 Adding Sessions
- 3.2.2 Generating Surveys and Quizzes
- 3.3 Surveys and Quizzes Tabs
- 3.3.1 Embedding Surveys and Quizzes to your Event
- Swapcard
- 3.3.1 Embedding Surveys and Quizzes to your Event
- 4 Final Result
- 5 Reporting
- 6 Prospect Timeline
- 7 Awarding Certificates to Session Attendees
Smart Survey is a portal that automates the process of creating surveys and quizzes for your attendees at your event sessions.
It allows you to effortlessly import sessions from your event and generate a survey & a quiz for each session with a few clicks, no matter how many sessions you have at your event.
Creating a Template for Your Smart Survey
Smart Surveys use the same templates as Capture Forms. The difference is that when you are creating a template for a Smart Survey, you may use the special fields, Speaker Section and Session Section.
Creating a Template
To create a template, Navigate to Events > Capture, then navigate to the Templates Tab.
Click New and fill the template’s information.
Speaker Sections and Session Sections
Session Sections and Speaker Sections are only intended to be used for Surveys and not Quizes.
Like the traditional Section field, Session and Speaker Sections can have questions inside them
When the surveys are opened by attendees, they will show the speaker(s) names inside the Speaker Section.
The Speaker Section will also multiply itself to match the number of speakers, so attendees can rate each speaker individually. See Final Result below for how Surveys appear to attendees.
Building a Smart Survey
From Captello’s home screen, navigate to Events > Smart Surveys.
Click on New.
Fill the Smart Survey’s Name, Platform and Event.
General Tab
You will be greeted with the General tab. It has the Smart Survey’s basic information.
Sessions Tab
From the sessions tab, you can add sessions groups, then choose templates for surveys and quizzes for each group.
To add an additional group, click on the plus sign.
Adding session groups is useful when you have multiple attendee groups that attend different sessions, for example, you could create a session group for VIP sessions that are attended by VIP attendees.
Adding Sessions
There are 2 ways to add sessions.
Add: by clicking Add, you will be prompted to select the sessions that you desire.
Add All Sessions: Adds all the sessions from the event.
If the toggle Automatically add new sessions to this group is turned on, new sessions synced to Captello will automatically be added to this session group.
Bizzabo & Swoogo Sessions can take up to 30 minutes, while Swapcard sessions are synced instantly.
Once sessions are added, click on Publish to complete building your Smart Survey.
Generating Surveys and Quizzes
To generate Surveys and Quizzes while publishing, switch on the Generate sessions assets toggle.
After publishing, you can also generate them from the drop-down arrows of sessions, or from the generate all button.
Surveys and Quizzes Tabs
The surveys and quizzes tabs will contain the links to edit and submit your surveys and quizzes.
The Prospects column shows the number of prospects registered in the session, while the Speakers column shows the number of the session’s speakers.
Clicking the graph icon will redirect you to the survey’s (or the quiz’s) questions stats page, which shows statistics of all the answers.
Now, you are ready to embed your quizzes and surveys to your event!
Copy the Web View links of your Quizzes and Surveys and embed them into your event.
You can embed the link to your event’s sessions, or you can share the links with attendees after sessions.
Embedding Surveys and Quizzes to your Event
To embed survey’s and quizzes to your event, use their web-view links.
Optionally, you can use attendee information from the event’s registration platform to pre-fill the surveys and quizzes by adding string query parameters to their links.
To prefill Survey/Quiz forms on Swapcard, use the following parameters:
Surveys can be added as Live content via a new third party service. For more information, refer to Swapcard | Embedding Captello Surveys as Live Content.
Final Result
Surveys and quizzes will appear to attendees as normal capture form, with the exception of Surveys including a Speaker Section for each speaker as shown:
Each speaker will have their own rating in a separate column in the Submissions page as shown:
Survey Dashboard
Displays the statistics of the surveys.
Prospects Collected - Displays the date and number of prospects submitted from all of the surveys throughout the entire event.
Post Event Engagement - Displays the statistics of the engagement with the event’s follow up emails or other engagements.
Top Companies- Displays the companies of the most engaged prospects.
Quizzes Dashboard
Displays the statistics of the surveys.
Prospects Collected - Displays the dates and the total number of prospects gathered from all surveys conducted during the event.
Post Event Engagement - Displays the statistics of the prospects interaction with the event’s follow up emails, campaigns, etc.
Top Companies- Shows the names of companies associated with the most actively involved prospects.
Speaker Dashboard
Shows details of all the sessions in which the speaker was involved, including the session's statistics and the ratings received by the speaker.
Note that answers to ‘Event Notes’ fields or ‘Paragraph Fields’ will be shown in a table format as shown:
Prospect Timeline
You have the ability to show the details for every attended session and event by the prospect from the prospect’s timeline.
Form Scoring- Displays the information and results of the submitted quizzes.
Session (Registrant) - Shows information about third-party sessions that the prospect has checked into, also referred to as Third-Party Check-In.
Sessions(Speaker) - Displays all the session details where the prospect has participated as a speaker.
Confirmed Attendee - Displays all the sessions that the prospect is confirmed to attend. Confirmation can be through passing a quiz, onsite scanning, or by participating in a live stream. The confirmation method is displayed next to Trigger.
Manually Confirming an Attendee to a Session
To manually confirm an attendee to a session, navigate to the Sessions tab, and from the desired session’s drop-down, select Add Attendee.
Then select the prospect and the reason to confirm their attendance.
Awarding Certificates to Session Attendees
Captello allows you to send certificates to attendees upon completing sessions, either by using a Captello email campaign or Accredible (3rd Party). Both ways are detailed below.
Using a Captello Email Campaign
Sending certificates using an email campaign requires creating an email with session merge fields. Captello has a built-in template that has all the needed merge fields.
Creating an Email with Session Merge Fields
To create the email with session merge fields, follow the steps below:
Navigate to 'Content > Emails'
On the top right of the screen, click ‘New'
Enter the email campaign details.
Start with a template for a drag and drop experience.
Choose a layout. In our example, we are using a simple 1 column layout.
Select the email body by clicking on it.
On the right side, customize your message and click on ‘Fields’
From ‘Category’ select ‘Event Session Confirmed Attendee’ and click ‘Insert’.
The session certificate merge fields will be added. Including two sections, registrant info and attendee info (encircled in blue) which are pulled from the event registration platform you are using, and should be changed in accordance with event fields, if they are to be used.
After making your final touches, click ‘Exit’ then ‘Save and Exit’
Setting up The Fulfillment Action
Follow the steps below to add a fulfillment action to send a certificate upon completion.
Navigate to your Smart Survey.
In the ‘Sessions’ tab, click the drop-down of the desired session ‘Actions (Attendance Confirm)’
Select the action ‘Send Email’
Select the email you created earlier and add sender information as desired.
Make sure to use an authenticated email domain for sending.
Click ‘Save’. Now your certificate email is set up!
Here is an example of how an email certificate looks like:
Using Accredible
Connecting your Accredible Account
To connect your Accredible account, follow the steps below:
Navigate to 'Setup > Integrations > Connectors'
Find the Accredible connector, add your Accredible API token and click ‘Add Account’
Your Accredible account is now connected!
Setting up Styling and Headers of the Sent Email
The connector allows you to edit the header and style of the email sent with the certificates with a cover image and HTML content.
Click the ‘Settings’ button on the connector to start editing.
The following customization settings are available:
Cover Image: Adds a cover image on top of the email.
Font Family: Controls the font family of the certificate.
Header Settings: Customizable HTML content to add to the email header, with merge fields including the registrant name, event name, and event date.
Setting up The Fulfillment Action
Navigate to your Smart Survey.
In the ‘Sessions’ tab, click the drop-down of the desired session ‘Actions (Attendance Confirm)’
Add the action ‘Send to Accredible (Group)’ or ‘Send to Accredible (Session)’, based on your Accredible setup, then add your group or session ID.
Click ‘Save’.
Your setup is now done! All confirmed attendees will be confirmed to your Accredible account!
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