Capture (Activation)

Capture (Activation)


It’s the game you know and love, made competitive. Capture lets you move your person through a maze, avoiding the ghosts and trying to consume all the pellets.


Cover Image

This is the cover image of the activation as displayed on the Captello mobile device.

Play Restrictions

Here you can set the restrictions on game play. This limits the number of times this activation can be played. Empty or 0 is unlimited.


Leaderboard: Scores are sent to the leaderboard.

Prizes: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game. Leaderboards are not used in this mode.

Both: Winning players receive a prize based on the prize probability configured in the Activation/Game and their score is sent to the leaderboard.

Game Mode

Lives: Lets you set how many lives you have in the game, the game ends when your lives run out.

Timer: Lets you configure how long the game will run. The game ends when the timer runs out.


This option only shows when Lives Game Mode is selected. This option is to set how many lives you get for the game play.


This option only shows when Timer Game Mode is selected. This option lets you set how many seconds the game will run for.

Main Player Speed

Configures how quickly your player icon (The Pacman by default) should move around the stage

Ghost Speed

Configures how quickly the ghosts should move around the stage.

Invincible Duration

Configures how long your player should be invincible after eating a special coin.

Ghost Resurrection Period

Configures how many seconds a ghost should be gone after you eat it

Ghost Score

Configures how many points you get for eating a ghost.

Coin Score

Configures how many points you get for eating a basic dot.

Special Coin Score

Configures how many points you get for eating one of the special coins.

Dying, Eating, Box Revealed, Winning Sound

Configures the sound effects that play for various actions in the game.



Map Image: allows customizing the appearance of boxes, grass and path.

Note that the map image consists of 3 squares, one of them is white (for the path) to the right of the grass texture.

Submit Button Background Color - Lets you configure the background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text Color - Lets you configure the text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.

Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 340 x 79px.

Logo Size (Desktop) / Logo Size (Mobile) - Lets you setup the scaling size of the logo per device type. Useful if your image looks perfect on mobile, but too small on desktop.

Logo Position Horizontal / Vertical - Lets you setup where on the screen the Logo will appear.

Use Logo Background Color - Lets you specify a background, and rounding option to customize how to Logo looks on the page

Use Logo Outline Color - Lets you setup a surrounding color for your logo.

Logo Inner Padding - Lets you add padding into the Logo area

Logo Outer Margin - Combines with Padding to help move the logo into the position you need.

Green / Yellow / Red / Gray Coin Image - Lets you setup the basic coins / pellets your character consumes for points.

The recommended image size is 17x17px

Special Coin Image - Lets you setup the special item that turns your player invulnerable so you can eat ghosts.

The recommended image size is 48 x 48px

Health Image - The image that is shown by your number of lives

The recommended image size is 100 x 90px

Green / Red / Yellow Box Image - On the field is 3 squares field if you collect all the coins around the square it reveals another image. These 3 images are the ones used at the start before coins are grabbed.

The recommended image size is 150 x 150px

Green / Red / Yellow Reveal Image - These are the images that get shown after all the coins around the boxes are grabbed.

The recommended image size is 150 x 150px

Main Player Movement Images - These images work together to give your player animation. Movement 1 & 2 are basic movement, rotating between the 2. 3, 4 and 5 are the death animation when you hit a ghost.

The recommended image size is 100 x 100px

Ghost Image - A black and white transparent image for your ghosts. It will get colored in the multiple colors.

The recommended image size is 100 x 100px

Background Image Mode - Lets you setup if background image is the same for all devices, or if special drawing rules should be used based on Mobile or Desktop

Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.

Background Fit - Gives 3 options on how to display the background image.

Stretch - Scales the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserves images aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeats the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.

Background Color - If you are not using a Background Image, you can configure the color of the background.

Border Image - Lets you setup an image that will be used as a border around the entire activation.

Border Slice Width - Lets you setup how the border image gets used to create the border. Full details about it can be found on this page.

Back Button Color - Lets you setup the color of the button after the activation is done, to exit the activation.

Loading Bar Background Color - Lets you setup to color of the bar when the game is loading.

Lives Counter Style - Lets you setup the font and color of the lives counter.

Score Style - Lets you setup the font and color of the score counter.

Floating Score Text Style - Lets you setup the font and color of the floating points above your player

Screensaver - Lets you turn on a screen saver for the activation when it’s being used inside the capture app.

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