Task Manager

Task Manager


The Task Manager is a great way to view, manage, and work your organization's activities. Sales managers can track activity across their team to make sure Deals are worked productively, and sales representatives can take advantage of the Task Wizard to complete their daily Tasks without having to navigate multiple screens. Non-selling roles such as administrators, operators, and accounts receivable/payable can also use the Task Manager to stay on top of operational processes.

Getting Started

To access the Task Manager, navigate to Sales > Tasks. By default, the Task Manager will display any Tasks assigned to you in the system. For users with higher security privileges, the Task Manager will display Tasks for all users. 

The Task icons will change color based on when a Task is due. Gray Tasks are due in the future, green Tasks are due today, and red Tasks are overdue. You can edit, delete, or complete a Task by either clicking on the Task icon or by using the mouse-over shortcuts to the right of the Task. 

Use the filter icon to filter Tasks. You can use any Prospect filter. The Task Manager will only display Tasks related to Prospects matching your filter. 

To sort Tasks, use the sort menu on the left. You can sort Tasks in two different ways: by due date and by Task type. 

The calendar icon sorts Tasks by due date while the folder icon sorts tasks by Task type. You can use a combination of due date and Task type to filter down to the exact Tasks you wish to work on.

The action bar at the top of the Task Manager allows you to mass complete or delete Tasks by using the checkbox to select Tasks and using the Actions drop-down menu. You can also search Task fields by clicking on the search icon. The Priority drop-down menu will sort Tasks by priority. The Owner drop-down menu will sort Tasks by prospect owner. By default, users in the Sales or Marketing security profiles will only see their own Tasks. Managers and admins can see any user's Tasks.

The orange Start button opens the Task Wizard. 

Using the Task Wizard

The Task Wizard is a one-stop place for users to complete their daily Tasks. It provides information relevant to each Task, including past Task history and Prospect/Organization information. By working within the Task Wizard, you can access many of Lead Liaison's sales and marketing features without ever having to leave one screen.

  1. Navigation buttons
  2. Task window
  3. Prospect/Organization/Deal Timeline
  4. Prospect/Organization/Deal Profile

Navigation Buttons

Like in the main Task Wizard, you can sort Tasks by both due date and Task Type. The total number of Tasks selected are shown in the top-left corner of the screen. By clicking the left and right scroll buttons, you can move through the Tasks in your current selection. Once you have worked through all of the selected Tasks, you will return to the Task Manager main menu.

Task Window

From the Task window, you can snooze a Task, add new notes, delete the Task, and Complete the Task. 

The Snooze button will temporarily silence a Task notification and move on to the next Task. Depending on your selection, it will update the Task due date/time. You can use a predetermined time in the drop-down menu or create a custom snooze time. 

When you add a note to a Task, it will appear in the Timelines of the Prospect, Organization, and Deal associated with the Task. You can add as many notes as you wish.

The Complete button has two options: Complete and Complete + New. Use the drop-down menu to select either option. The Task Wizard will use the selected option until you change it again.

If you select Complete, the Task Wizard will close the current Task, save any notes from your session, and then move on to the next Task. Complete + New will do the same, but it will open the New Task window before moving on. This option is best to use for Deals you're actively working. After all, every Deal should always have an active Task – Deals don't close themselves!

Prospect/Organization/Deal Timelines

The Timelines section shows you all activities associated with the Prospect, Organization, or Deal. Activities can be both from Automations and from manual entry. Automation actions might include filling out a web form, clicking links, and opening emails. Manual activities include taking notes and adding tasks such as calls, emails, and meetings. You can filter the timeline using the two drop-down menus located in the top-right corner of this section.

The Timeline displayed will match whichever profile you have selected in the Profile, see below.

Learn more about Timelines here.

Prospect/Organization/Deal Profile

The Task Wizard shows an abbreviated version of the Prospect, Organization, Or Deal Profile. 

Use the drop-down menu in the upper-left to choose which type of Profile to view: Prospect, Organization, or Deal. If the Task does not have the selected object associated with it, the Task Wizard will default to the next available Profile type down. For example, if you are viewing Deal Profiles and a Task is not a part of a Deal, it will switch to the Organization Profile, and then to the Prospect Profile. If no Profile is available, this section and the Timeline will be blank. 

You can use the Take Action button to perform a variety of actions without having to navigate back to the main platform. This option is only available on the Prospect Profile. 

  • Add Note – add a note to the Timeline
  • Automate – add the Prospect to an existing Automation
  • Add to List – add the Prospect to an existing List
  • Create Deal – create a new Deal in OneFocus™
  • Create Task – create a new Task in OneFocus™
  • Send Postcard – mail the Prospect a postcard
  • Send Letter – mail the Prospect a handwritten letter

The Details Info Card displays the same information as the Details Info Card in the main Profile. Lean more about Info Cards here. 

The Deals card displays the dollar amount of open, won, and lost Deals.

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