

Programs vs Campaigns

Lead Liaison uses a concept of Programs and Campaigns to organize and create marketing activities. A Program is a collection of Campaigns. The Program/Campaign concept is similar to a file cabinet. The drawer of a file cabinet is like a Program whereas the file(s) in the drawer are like the Campaign(s). Marketers first create a Program, give it a name, then add Campaigns to their Program.

Campaigns are individual marketing activities associated with marketing assets, such as an email campaign, webinar, trade show, banner ad, etc. 

The Basics

A Campaign is essentially anything that can be associated with a cost or on-going cost. For example, a trade show for $10,000, a whitepaper for $5,000 or a webinar for $10,000. The concept is that marketing assets (email, landing page, web form, etc.) are added into Campaigns. When prospects have a "First Touch" experience with that Campaign Lead Liaison uses that information to measure ROI (how effective was the Campaign) using the cost and revenue attributed to each person. 

First Touch

Lead Liaison uses a concept of a "First Touch" to track the first marketing Program/Campaign a prospect first comes in contact with. First Touch is critical to measuring marketing ROI. Many organizations look at the "last touch campaign" which may have prompted the prospect to take action; however, First Touch Campaign helps a marketer identify which original marketing efforts were responsible for driving the prospect into the top of the sales pipeline. After the First Touch Campaign Lead Liaison continues to track Campaign touches to provide marketers with a high-level view of how their efforts influenced a prospect's purchase. 

Finding Prospect Whose First Touch Campaign is X

To view Prospects who have a certain First Touch Campaign do the following:

  • Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns
  • Expand the Campaign you want to see First Touch members for
  • Click the value under the First Touch column

Finding Prospect Whose First Touch Program is Y

To view Prospects who have a certain First Touch Program do the following:

  • Navigate to Marketing Programs
  • Expand the Program you want to see First Touch members for
  • Click the value under the First Touch column

Using First Touch Values in Workflows

Select First Touch members of a Campaign or Program in any workflow by adding the First Touch Program or First Touch Campaign filters, as shown below:

Marketing Campaign Touch Priority

Occasionally a Prospect could trigger multiple Campaign touches at once. When competing touches occur, Lead Liaison uses the following priority order when recording the Campaign touch. Below is a list of how First Touch Campaigns are tracked in order of priority. For example, if a prospect clicked a link in an email campaign that was sent in a Mass Email then the First Touch Campaign will be the name of the Campaign associated with the Email Campaign (#4 below). However, if the email was part of an Automation (sent via the Send Email action) then the First Touch Campaign would be the name of the Campaign associated with the Automation (#3 below) since Automations are a higher priority than standalone emails.  

A Prospect's First Touch Campaign and First Touch Program can be seen in one of the following areas of Lead Liaison:

1Referred from a Campaign URL. Click "Tracking Code" next to a Campaign on the Programs section to use a Campaign URL. This Marketing Item is useful when measuring effectiveness of a banner ad on 3rd party sites or referrals from partners.
2Tracking code ID. Click "Tracking Code" next to a Campaign on the Programs section to use a Campaign URL. This Marketing Item is useful when measuring effectiveness of one of your web pages tied to a specific Campaign.
3Automation email. If a prospect clicks a link in a Send Email action sent from any of Lead Liaison's automation processes (Automations, Lead Nurturing).

Clicking a link from a Mass Email.

5Visit from a paid search campaign such as Google AdWords.
6Visit from a Tracking URL.
7Visit from Google Analytics link. Google Analytics Connector must be enabled.
8Visit from an external campaign.
9Visit to a Landing Page
10Web form submission
11Clicking a link in an email sent with Send & Track
12Visit from a social media site
13Referring domain other that one defined by the "Referral Domain" feature.

What can be Added to a Campaign?

The following assets can be added to a Lead Liaison Campaign:

  1. Email
  2. Survey
  3. Web Form
  4. Landing Page
  5. Social Post
  6. Learn Nurturing
  7. Automation
  8. Tracking URL
  9. S&T Email
  10. Referrer Domain
  11. SiteEngage™ Dialog


Web Form Program/Campaign Tracking

If a Web Form is used externally (embedding form HTML into your website or using an existing form) then the Program/Campaign names may be used for First Touch Campaigns. However, if the Web Form is hosted on Lead Liaison and embedded into a Landing Page the Program/Campaign values will never be used for First Touch tracking. Instead, Lead Liaison will use the Program/Campaign of the Landing Page which the Web Form is embedded into.

Campaigns Page

The Campaigns page shows each Campaign comprised of the Marketing Items added to the Campaign. Click the grouping to expand the Campaign and see the Marketing Items inside the Campaign. To access the Campaigns page go to Marketing > Campaigns.

Here are a few key definitions to keep in mind:

  • All People = All Known and Unknown people added to the Campaign. 
  • Prospects = All Known people added to the Campaign. 

Re-Assigning a Marketing Item to a New Campaign

To re-assign or move an asset from one Campaign to another edit the respective item and look for the Campaign setting.

Programs Page and Campaign Tracking Code

The Programs page lists all Programs created. To see which Campaigns are part of a Program click the value under the Campaigns column. 

To access the Programs page go to Marketing > Programs.

To use a tracking code for 3rd party sites or hard code a web site page with a campaign touch do the following:

  • Navigate to Marketing > Campaigns
  • Select Tracking Code

Prospects will be added to the Campaign whenever they visit a page with this additional Campaign Tracking Code, even if they visit other pages first. However, the Program and Campaign will be marked as the First Touch if and only if the page containing the Campaign Tracking Code was the first page viewed during the Prospect's visit.

Automatically Created Programs/Campaigns

Have you ever wondered how effective your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, PPC, SEO, website investments and referral programs are? Lead Liaison makes it easy to automatically measure the ROI of these common marketing channels. Make sure to enter a cost on the Campaigns page to calculate ROI. To better understand ROI analysis, consider a company that spends $50,000 per year on LinkedIn advertising. Any visitor that comes from LinkedIn to your website will be tracked with a Program/Campaign touch as Social Media/LinkedIn respectively. When one of these prospects converts to an opportunity and the opportunity closes, depending on the Revenue Attribution method defined, Lead Liaison calculates the ROI. Suppose $100,000 worth of deals closed because of LinkedIn. Lead Liaison will automatically calculate a 2x return on your investment for your LinkedIn Campaign. The following Program/Campaign structures are automatically created by Lead Liaison. Note, the format is Parent Program > Parent Campaign > Marketing Type.

Social Media > LinkedIn > LinkedIn

Social Media > Facebook > Facebook

Social Media > Twitter > Twitter

Social Media > YouTube > YouTube

Search Terms > Paid Search (PPC) > Paid Search (PPC)

Search Terms > Organic Search (SEO) > Organic Search (SEO)


Other > Other Campaign > Other Campaign

Creating a Program and Campaign

To create a Program and Campaign do the following. 

  • Go to New > Program
  • Enter a Program Name and Description in the popup as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Click the Save and Create Campaign button. 
  • A new popup will appear asking for information on the Campaign you'd like to create. 
  • If the Program is not already selected, select a Program from the drop down. Note, assigning a Campaign to a Program is optional and primarily used to create hierarchy and order for easier management. Program ROI reporting is also provided so try to keep things organized from the beginning. 
  • Enter a Name
  • Enter a Description
  • Enter a Cost for the Campaign. For example, if you spent $10,000 on the tradeshow, or $5,000 on the webinar, or $25,000 on a partnership and you're creating a Campaign for a banner ad you're placing on the partner's website, or $1,000 for an email marketing list. 
  • Select an Archive Date. Note, the Archive Date is optional and only used for viewing Campaign's by status (All, Active or Archived) on the Campaigns

Deleting Programs and Campaigns

To delete a Program or Campaign:

  • Click Delete to the right of the Program/Campaign. 

The system asks you to reassign the items in a Program/Campaign to another Program/Campaign in its place. 

Renaming Programs and Campaigns

Renaming Campaigns

To rename a Campaign do the following:

  • Go to Marketing Campaigns
  • Click Edit

Renaming Programs

To rename a Program do the following:

  • Go to Marketing Programs
  • Click Edit

Adding Prospects to Campaigns

Prospects can be added to Programs/Campaigns manually and to Campaigns automatically (using an automated process).

Adding Prospects to a Campaign Automatically

To add a Prospect to a Campaign automatically do the following:

  • Build your automation
  • When adding actions, add the "Add to LL Campaign" action to the canvas on the right as shown below

Adding Prospects to a Program/Campaign Manually

To add a Prospect to a Program/Campaign manually do the following:

  • Open the Prospect's Prospect Profile page
  • Click the Campaigns or Programs tab
  • Click the "Add to Program(s)" or "Add to Campaigns(s)" link respectively
  • Add the Prospect to one or more Programs/Campaigns
  • If the Prospect is added to one or more Programs/Campaigns then Lead Liaison adds one touch for each selected Program/Campaign. If the Prospect does not have a first touch Program/Campaign then Lead Liaison marks the first selected Program/Campaign as the first touch. 

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