Example: Creating a Paid Advertising Campaign
Once thorough research has been completed, options compared, and final project approved, you will need to build your campaign inside of Lead Liaison.
Set Up Folders in Lead Liaison
You’ll want to organize all items that you create (landing page, form, automations, etc.) in a folder. Click on the folder in the top, right corner. You’ll need to give your folder a name that represents the Campaign, and file it under “Marketing Campaigns” > [current year].
You can also create your folder live, when creating your first piece of content. If you are doing it this way, you will have the option to “Save To” a folder. Click the “Choose” button, then click the small folder icon next to the current year, which will allow you to create a new folder.
Set Up Program and/or Campaign in Lead Liaison
We organize each piece of a project (form, landing page, etc.) within the same Campaign, which belongs in a Program. Campaigns are used to measure the impact of marketing, and help calculate marketing ROI. Each time a prospect comes in contact with a piece of your Campaign we record this in their profile. Under Marketing > Campaigns you’ll be able to see the impact of marketing. Under Reports > ROI > Campaigns you’ll be able to measure marketing ROI, including cost per prospect (CPP), cost per opportunity (CPO), and ROI percentage.
For example: Our Capterra PPC Campaign for Marketing Automation is organized in our “Capterra PPC - Marketing Automation” Campaign. That Campaign is organized in a Program called Capterra. The Program will contain any Capterra-related marketing campaigns.
*You may already have a Program in which to house your Campaign. Check that before creating a new Program.
There are two ways to create a Program & Campaign: before you begin creating content, or live - when you are creating your first piece of content.
To create a Program & Campaign before you begin creating content, click on the green “+” at the top of your page, then select “Program”.
You will then be prompted to name your Program, and will be able to save your Program to the folder you created in the steps above. After naming your Program, click “Save and Create Campaign.” This will lead you to a prompt to create your Campaign and set a budget (or cost).
Create a Web Form in Lead Liaison
To create a Web Form, click the “+” at the top of your screen, and select Web Form.
Name your Web Form, save it to the Folder that you created, and save it to the Campaign that you created.
Web forms for paid advertising landing pages should be short. Every added field decreases the likelihood of conversion, so keep it as short as possible. Usually Name, Email, and Company Name will suffice. If you sell to B2B companies, it is recommended to change the title of “Email” to “Company Email” to discourage personal inquiries. Make sure that your fields are required.
Also, in the case of paid advertising, you will already know why they are filling out the web form. In our Capterra example, we know that our PPC ad is in the Marketing Automation directory, so we know that the person filling out the form is interested in Marketing Automation. Add a “Single Line Text”, rename it Primary Interest, check the box for “Hidden” and set the Default Value to whatever it is that will be their primary interest (in this case, “Marketing Automation”). Don’t forget to map this field to “Special Interests,” as shown below, and select “Merge.” This field is used to make nurturing decisions once the person submits the form.
Adding Our “Thank You!” WordPress Page to Your Form
As is the case with most of our forms, the visitor should be directed to our WordPress “Thank You!” page upon submission. That link is: http://www.leadliaison.com/thank-you-2/, and it looks like this:
This page can be added to the Form by clicking the Properties tab, and scrolling down to the Success Message section. You will select “Redirect URL”, then add our “Thank You!” page URL, and select Load in Parent Page.
Other Properties & Styles of Your Form
The size of your Submit button should be 20px (found under the Style tab), or by clicking the “Submit” button in your Form Designer.
These are the standard Properties selections for a paid advertising form:
Click “Save & Exit.”
Adding a Fulfillment Action to Your Form
After you have created your form, you will need to add a Fulfillment Action so that the person submitting the form will be placed into our Qualified Lead Flow, as shown below. Be sure to note that this action should NOT be repeatable.
Lastly, you will need to set your Alerts to notify the Marketing Team when someone submits this form, as shown below. You should remove the %%LeadOwner%% portion, and just replace with “Greetings” or something of that nature. At the time of submission, there is no lead owner, so that data merge variable is immaterial.
Create Landing Page in Lead Liaison
To create a Landing Page using the visual builder, click the green “+” at the top of your screen, and select “Landing Page.”
Name your Landing Page, save it to the Folder that you created, and the Campaign that you created. To create the Landing Page using our drag-and-drop interface, chose “Visual” for the Design Type. Then, click Continue.
Use the Drag and Drop Items option on the left side of the menu to add your form, images, and text. When you have completed your Landing Page, you’ll need to save it (File > Save). This will prompt you to give the page a Vanity Name, which will be added to the end of your Vanity URL (shown below).
You will then need to Publish your Landing Page by clicking File > Publish.
Testing Your Landing Page
Next, you should test the Landing Page using an incognito window. You have an option to copy the Landing Page’s link by hovering over the name of the page on the list of Pages. “Copy Link” will appear in orange text (see below).
Using Query String Parameters to Track Lead Source
In our Capterra example, when we input our Landing Page link into their system, we’ll also need to add a Query String Parameter at the end of the Vanity URL, so that we will be able to track this specific Lead Source.
The Query String Parameter for Lead Source is: ll_3p_ls
For example, our Capterra Vanity URL is:
We will change it to:
Don’t forget to test this link, as well, in an incognito window.
Final Testing
Once you have completed all of the steps to get your paid advertising campaign up and running, you’ll want to test it from start to finish. Notify the sales team before starting, so that they are aware that they’ll see some messages come through that they can ignore. In paid advertising campaigns, it is important not to test the link from the host’s site (in this case, Capterra). That will charge us, so just start with the link we created above. To test, you will:
Open your Vanity URL, with Query String Parameter included, in an incognito window.
Fill out the form, and confirm that:
You get a “Success” message upon hitting “Submit.”
You are sent to the appropriate “Thank You” page.
You receive the QLF / Thank You! / From Lead Owner email.
Check your Lead Source in Lead Liaison by clicking on the name of your Campaign on the Campaign list page.
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