Step 2 - Define Actions

Step 2 - Define Actions

Table of Contents:

Choose Who to Apply Actions to

Occasionally it's necessary to modify a running or completed automation; however, you may not want to apply the new actions to existing Members. If an automation is in the "Active" or "Completed" status and you wish to add new actions to it a popup will appear after adding the new actions and hitting either the "Next" or "Save" buttons. Choosing Yes in the popup applies the new actions to future Prospects only (new Members added after the point of saving).

Choosing No in the popup will apply the new actions to all existing Members as well as future Prospects. Also, when No is chosen all existing Members will have a status of "Skipped" under the Audit tab on the Prospect Profile for the newly added actions. 

After clicking one of the save options an orange popup like the one below appears. 


When adding notifications, alerts (Send Alert) or emails (Send Email) to the action steps make sure you think about the ramifications of choosing No in the popup. For example, if you had 5,000 Members in an automation, you added a Send Email action, and chose No in the popup then all existing 5,000 Members would receive an email from the Send Email action. Use good judgement when confirming your changes.

Add Multiple Criteria to Actions

Each action can have multiple criteria. Any standard or custom Lead Liaison fields can be used in a multi-layered design around each action. Multiple action criteria provides ultimate flexibility when combined with criteria in Step 1 (Select Who) and Conditions in each action. Multiple criteria can be used per condition or on the default action. Here's how criteria across Step 1 and Step 2 works together:

  • Step 1: Use criteria to select who to apply actions to. 
  • Step 2
    • Use each action to apply specific actions/events on each Prospect
    • Use Conditions which adds OR logic to each action. The system steps through each Condition until the first Condition is executed then moves to the next condition. 
    • Use Multiple Criteria within each Condition for AND logic. The system only executes the Condition if all criteria are met. 

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