Marketing Calendar

Marketing Calendar

The marketing calendar allows team members to keep track of and share multiple marketing activities, such as web meeting events, planned social media posts, scheduled emails, as well as custom events. The marketing calendar is part of the Marketing Dashboard.  

Viewing the Calendar

To view the marketing calendar navigate to the Dashboard on the left-hand panel. Single click the Calendar widget or drag and drop it to the canvas on the left. 

By default the calendar will show the current month and year. To change the month/year use the date selector at the top right of the calendar and/or use the right/left navigation arrows to page through the calendar month by month. 

To show only select event types on your calendar click the down arrow tab as shown in the screenshot below and select what you wish to show on your calendar. 

What's Added to the Calendar?

The marketing calendar will display the following events:

Adding Custom Events

To add an event to your calendar do one of two things:

  • Click the plus sign on the top right of the calendar as shown below:

  • Double click a day:

  • Create your custom event
    • Title: Name of the event that will show up on the calendar. 
    • Description: Information to help you describe the event. 
    • All Day: If this is an all day event then check this box. 
    • Start/End: If your event has a start and end time set it here. 
    • URL: Clicking on the event in the calendar will open this web page. 
    • Icon: Choose the icon to display on the calendar. 
    • Color: Choose the color of the event. 

Adding Multi-Day Events

To add a multi-day event check the "All Day" checkbox as shown below. Doing so removes the start/end time from the Start/End fields. Pick the day your multi-day event starts and finishes. 

Your multi-day event will show up on the calendar spanning each day of your event. 

Deleting Events

To delete an event click on the event from the calendar then select the trash can icon as shown in the top right of the screenshot below. 

Editing Events

To edit an event click on the event from the calendar then select the gear icon as shown in the top right of the screenshot below. 


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