Scoring Page Views

Scoring Page Views


If a website visitor is viewing many pages during their visit there's a good chance this prospect has serious interest. To help quantify their interest, points could be attributed to the multiple page view event. Suppose you'd like to assign 50 points to every prospect who views more than 5 pages during their visit, since your sales and marketing teams agree this online behavior is one parameter indicative of a hot prospect. Here's how to set it up:

  • Create a new Lead Scoring Process by going to Settings App Setup > Lead Qualification > Lead Scoring > Add Custom Scoring
  • Select "New Prospects" for now. 
  • Select "Known" to only score prospects who have identified themselves with an email address.
  • Click the Continue button.  

  • Remove the "Create Date" Filter Criteria and replace it with the "Website Activity" criteria. This filter identifies prospects who have demonstrated website activity within a specified time frame. In this case, we'll monitor your company's website for activity within the past day. 
  • Add the "Page Visits" filter to the Future Events section. This filter looks for events that happen in the future, vs. in the past, and act like a trigger. We'll want to use a Future Event in this scenario so that we can make the lead scoring action repeatable. Actions can be made repeatable only for processes that include Future Events. Your resulting process should look like the one below. 
  • Click the "Save and Continue" button. 

  • Lead Liaison gives you a headstart by automatically adding the Change Lead Score action to the canvas. 
  • Enter +50 into the field to add 50 points to the prospect's lead score. 
  • Click the repeat icon in the grey header of the Change Lead Score action as shown below in red. Make sure the icon turns green, which means the action will be repeated on the same prospect. For example, if the prospect visits 10 pages today and 10 pages tomorrow they would receive 100 points (50 for each day) when the action is made repeatable. However, if the action was not repeatable the prospect would only receive 50 points in the aforementioned example. They'd get only 50 points for the first visit. If an action is not made repeatable it will only apply to a prospect one time. 
  • Your Step 2 should look like the one below. 
  • Next, click the Next button. 

  • Click the Activate button to run the Lead Scoring process. 



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