User Profile

User Profile


Lead Liaison allows users to customize their profile. There are five (5) sections for the user's profile. The sections are:

  1. General
  2. Personal
  3. Password
  4. Notifications
  5. 3rd Party
  6. Send and Track*
  7. Assigned Users

To get into the settings menu, click the user photo in the top right, then select Settings

Each section is explained below:


The General section contains basic information to customize the overall user interface experience within Lead Liaison. See the screenshot below for more information on these settings. 

Set my home page as

This setting changes the initial page you will see after logging into the system.

Display country flag on visitors page

This setting should be self explanatory, but it's to toggle on or off viewing a flag based on the country on the visitors page.

Display browser icon on visitors page

This setting is also easy to guess. It turns on or off seeing an icon for the browser being used by a visitor on the visitors page.

Play sound when new lead comes online

This setting will cause an alert chime to play anytime a new lead comes on. 

Table size

This setting changes the font size in multiple tables across the application. Choose from small, medium, or large.

Notification position

This setting changes the location of the success, warning, and error notifications. You can choose from a variety of options including Top Right, Center Left, Bottom Center etc.

Number of table records

Specifies how many results (rows) to show in any table within the application.  

Show table search by default

Shows column search and sort options on every table when enabled. 

Row color for a new lead

This setting allows you to display new leads in a different color so they stand out when viewing

Use the pop-out compose window

This setting will cause a new window to open when you wish to compose a message. Doing so allows you to work on other things while your composing the message.

Default time for new tasks

This setting allows you to configure what time will be used when you create a new task.

Automatically expand these activities in timeline

This setting will cause the selected activities to expand in full when they are found in a timeline, instead of the default action of collapsed.


Personal Settings

The Personal section helps personalize your experience with your picture, contact information, time zone and more. See the screen shot below for more information on these settings. When your photo is uploaded it will be used in multiple areas across the application, including but not limited to the:

The following fields are automatically populated from a connected CRM:

  • Title => Title
  • Mobile Phone Number => MobilePhone

In the section below, called "Modify User's Info for Mail Merge (Personal Signature)" is a series of fields where more information may be provided on the user. This information is used in mail merge fields when sending emails from the Lead Owner.  These mail merge fields are automatically mapped to the respective fields shown in the screenshot below when creating an email campaign. 

The following fields are automatically populated from the information used when provisioning your Lead Liaison account:

  • Company Address 1 => address
  • Company City => city
  • Company State/Province => state
  • Company Postal Code => zipcode
  • User Main Phone => phone_number

The following fields are automatically populated from a connected CRM:

  • Company Address 1 => Street
  • Company City => City
  • Company State/Province => State
  • Company Postal Code => PostalCode
  • User Main Phone => Phone
  • User Main Phone Extension => Extension
  • User Direct Phone => Phone
  • User Mobile Phone => MobilePhone

Two Factor Authentication

To ensure your account security, you can enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA). If you enable 2FA, you’ll be re-prompted for an OTP (one time password) if you use a new browser or after specified number of days based on your account security preferences. You also have the option to allow/require 2FA for all users or for some of the users. These options are found on the General Settings page under Setup > Account > Settings:

Users can choose to receive their OTP (one time password) via email or phone:

Time Zones

Time zones are automatically updated each time a user logs in. For example, suppose the user travels to Europe for two days. While in Europe, when they login to Lead Liaison the system will automatically detect the local timezone and update it in the system. When returning to the users homeland, and logging into the system, the time zone will be reset based on the user's current location.

The system will automatically adjust for daylight savings time after each login. 

To manually override automatic timezone detection, toggle this setting and set your timezone accordingly. 


The Signatures section allows you to add, remove or customize signatures that can be used in emails that get sent out on behalf of your user by our system. 

Named Accounts

Allows you to add, remove or customize Named Account lists and the domains that are part of the list.


Use this section to change your password. Make sure to enter your old password first in the Confirm Old Password field. Then, enter a new password in the New Password field. 


The Notifications section has several sections for various alerts you may receive.

Standard Alerts

Allows you to define how you'd like to receive Buy Signal, Favorites and Lead Report Alerts. Lead Liaison distributes Alerts through email and/or SMS for most Alerts.  

Google Chrome Alerts

Allows you to define if you would like to receive alerts in-browser using Chrome notifications


Allows you to toggle on or off receiving notifications about the progress and status of your event transcriptions


Allows you to toggle on or off receiving a notification if someone creates a new task and assigns it to you.


Allows you to toggle on or off receiving a notification when someone makes a Data Subject request

3rd Party

Use this section to enter credentials for 3rd party sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Also contains the email settings if you have Sales Enablement

Send & Track

If you use the Send & Track plugin for Chrome, you can configure settings here. More information on Send & Track can be found on this page.

Assigned Users

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