Capture Data

Capture Data


Capture form used with this Activation

Shows the name of the Event whose Lead Capture form will be utilized for the capture step. Once set this cannot be changed.

Which Station do you want to use this activation at?

If your lead capture form has stations, this option allows you to preselect which station should be associated to the collected prospects for this activation.

Show lead capture form before or after the activation?

Lets you configure if the form should appear before someone accesses the activation, or after the activation is completed.

Skip capture step for duplicate submissions

If you allow people to use the same activation multiple times, you can toggle this on for it to skip the form if their device shows via browser cookie that they have previously filled it out.

Recipient(s) for Lead Reports

Allows you to select users to receive emails with activation play results at scheduled times.

Once you add a name to the list, two options will appear:
1. Post-Event Report: If enabled, an email containing activation play results will be sent to the designated recipient(s) upon event completion.

  1. Daily Report Schedule: When enabled, an email with activation play results will be sent daily to the specified recipient(s) within the selected time frame.

NOTE: To allow external users to access it, ensure the "Export without web login" setting is turned off in Account Settings.

You can access it and enable the toggle under: Setup > Account > Settings.


You’ll receive an email with the URL to download your prospects


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