Microsoft Dynamics (Professional)

Microsoft Dynamics (Professional)


Through Captello's Microsoft Dynamics integration, marketing automation and your CRM are in perfect sync. Users, fields (both standard and custom), and prospects are seamlessly updated between the two platforms. Best of all, Captello's tracking can identify new leads, distribute them to the appropriate sales team or user, and upload them directly to Dynamics. 

Differences Between The (Standard) and (Professional) Integrations

There are two different Captello - Dynamics integration packages, offering different features shown in the table below. Find documentation for the (Standard) version here: https://leadliaison.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LL/pages/3071901706.







Can sync records to the Leads object

Can sync records to the Contacts object

(Although it can update existing contacts).

Can add records to campaigns

Duplicate management settings

Time to sync records


On sync cycles (5 minutes in between).

Can connect multiple Dynamics accounts at once

Can connect sandbox accounts without Captello Support help

(takes 1 working day from the time of notifying Captello support or designated representative)

Ability to set a no-action outcome in fulfillment actions (ex. Update a record if existing, else, no action is taken).

Assigning owners based on Captello owners

2-way syncing

Constantly syncs updates for synced records on 5-minute sync cycles.

Getting Started

The following setup is needed for the integration to work:

  • An application registration on Azure (providing the Application (client) ID credential)

  • A new certificate to the registered application, to create a Client secret.

  • An API permission for Dynamics CRM to user_impersonation with admin consent granted.

  • A new Power Platform environment

    • From the ‘Security group’ selection, select Open Access > None.

    • Make sure the ‘Enable Dynamics 365 apps’ toggle is enabled on the first step while creating the environment

    • Select the application registration on the second step, select the business unit of the environment (Usually has the naming scheme of ‘org123abc’. Type in “org” in the selection box to show it).

    • From the environment’s S2S apps, Create a new app user, to the created application, select the business unit and security role of Sales Manager, Salesperson, Sales Team Member.

  • Obtain the URL from the environment

After creating a new application and environment, the following credentials are needed to connect your Dynamics account to Captello:

  • Application (Client) ID: Obtained by creating a new application.

  • Client Secret: Created on the new application.

  • Server URL: from your Power Platfrom environment

When entering the credentials on Captello, add “https://” at the start of the URL and “/” at the end.

The URL must be in the following format: “https://org123abc.dynamics.com/”

To get started with the Microsoft Dynamics integration, connect the two platforms. To connect the platforms,

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Connectors

  • Find the section labeled Microsoft Dynamics

  • Enter your Dynamics URL, Application Id, and Client Secret. 

If the information is correct, then you will see a success message like the one below. 

Using the Set-Up Wizard

Once you've connected Dynamics to Lead Liaison, import your users, contacts, and fields with the setup wizard. You can access the setup wizard through Settings > Integrations > CRM. The wizard is a five-step process:

  • Settings

  • Metadata

  • Map

  • Import

  • Verify


If you would like Lead Liaison to automatically import Microsoft Dynamics fields, then turn on the toggle. Lead Liaison will continue to scan for fields. Once you've made your changes, click Save and then Next


Click Run Now to import metadata from Dynamics, including Dynamics users, custom fields, and values. After the import process has finished (which might take a few minutes), click Next.


In the Map section, map your Dynamics Users, Leads, Contacts, and Accounts to Lead Liaison. Click on each of the object buttons to map them.

Link CRM Users

The wizard will automatically link CRM users to existing Lead Liaison users through their email address. If a user is not in the system, then Lead Liaison will create a new user with the email address as the username. 

To decide which users to link in Lead Liaison, use the Link column in the middle of the form. Click the checkbox between the two names to select users for linking. If you see a link icon, the user was already linked during a previous import. 

Once you have chosen your users, click the orange Save button on the bottom of the page.

If you've added new users to Dynamics, you can refresh the user list using the Refresh CRM Users button instead of running another metadata import. 

For Lead Liaison users to sync contacts to Dynamics, they must be linked here. You may choose to not link users who will not be accessing both systems, such as contractors or administrators.

Lead/Contact/Account Fields

The wizard will display a list of lead, contact, and account fields imported from Dynamics. The system will try to find matching fields by field name and type, but you can override the mapping by double-clicking on the Lead Liaison field name.

The platforms can sync bi-directionally, from Dynamics to Lead Liaison, or from Lead Liaison to Dynamics.

Click the Save button on the bottom of each page as you finish mapping.

Lead, Contact, and Account fields are all linked to the Lead Liaison prospect profile. Lead Liaison and Dynamics will sync field data approximately every five minutes. If you've made a change to a field and have not seen a change, then it will probably update during the next sync.

Import Records

Disabling incoming syncing of leads, contacts and accounts.

If you need to prevent MS Dynamics from importing your leads, contacts or accounts, you can disable the incoming sync for their records by following the steps below:
Navigate to Setup > Account > Settings

You can then disable syncing leads, contacts and accounts. This setting just affects incoming records, and will not affect outgoing leads to MS Dynamics.

Import Records Step

Click the orange Run Now button to import existing Lead, Contact, and Account data. The system will continue to sync records approximately every 5 minutes after the initial import. Depending on the size of your database, this may take some time.

Inactive contacts and accounts will sync with Lead Liaison. If you do not want a contact or account to sync, remove the record from Dynamics.

Verify Data

By this stage, you have successfully synced Lead Liaison and Microsoft Dynamics. Click on the orange buttons to verify each field. Once you have finished, you can exit the wizard.

Syncing Prospects

Lead Liaison and Dynamics will sync prospect fields approximately every five minutes. When a new Lead, Contact, or Account is created in Dynamics, Lead Liaison will import it and create a new prospect profile. If there is a duplicate record (two records sharing the same email), Lead Liaison will merge them into one profile. 

During visitor tracking, Lead Liaison will probably find new leads that are not in your CRM. You can use Lead Liaison to distribute the lead to your Dynamics users and create a new lead within Dynamics. Since some leads that visit your website may not be sales qualified yet, you can control who is and is not uploaded. You can do this manually from the prospect profile, through Fulfillment Actions, and automation.

Prospect Profile

To sync a new lead from the prospect profile, use the action menu in the top-right corner off the profile. Select Sync with CRM.

A new popup will appear.

Make sure the information is correct, and then click Add to MSD. If the prospect already exists as a Lead, Contact, or Account in Dynamics, click or sync to existing record to search by name, email, and/or company. Click the Done button to exit with no action.

View in CRM

If the prospect is already synced to Dynamics, Sync with CRM will be replaced with View in CRM. Click this option to open Dynamics in a new tab on that lead's page.

Fulfillment Actions

You can sync prospects to Dynamics using Fulfillment Actions. From the Fulfillment Actions menu, choose Sync Lead to MSD. When a prospect engages with your content and triggers the actions, Lead Liaison will push the prospect into Dynamics as a lead.

Use the second drop-down menu to assign the prospect to a Dynamics user. You can assign them to a specific user or to a Lead Liaison distribution rule.

Finally, use the checkbox to allow creation of duplicate leads in Dynamics. If this box is unchecked and a lead exists with the same email, the system will take no action.


When building your automation workflow, you can add an action to sync prospects in the automation to Dynamics.

Use the second drop-down menu to assign the prospect to a Dynamics user. You can assign them to a specific user or to a Lead Liaison distribution rule.

Finally, use the checkbox to allow the creation of duplicate leads in Dynamics. If this box is unchecked and a lead exists with the same email, the system will take no action.

With automation, you can also add conditions to the action. For example, you might add a condition that says if the prospect is in a certain state, it will assign the Dynamics lead to one user, and to a different user if from another state. In the example below, we have told the workflow to only sync the lead to dynamics if they are in the Education industry and inside the United States.


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