


The information in this article applies to both activation leaderboards and global leaderboards

Leaderboards are a great way to foster friendly competition.

If your Activation has a Leaderboard available, you can edit it on the Leaderboard step of the Activation Designer.


Leaderboard Display Style

You can display the Leaderboard on its own, or you can split the screen to include custom content. Use the icons in the lower-right corner to change the screen.

Leaderboard Settings

Use the menu on the right to style and adjust the Leaderboard’s sections.

Page Section

This section allows you to add a background to the leader-board.

Best Practices to Set Up a Background Image

Setting backgrounds that display on different devices (such as desktops, phones and tablets) can be tricky since you will be dealing with different aspect ratios. The following table shows the recommended aspect ratio and resolutions for each setup.

If your intended background image consists of only color/gradient/patterns without logos/objects, a 1980x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio) image will fit all devices.

Device Type

Recommended Background Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Device Type

Recommended Background Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Big Screen/Desktop/Laptop

1980x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio)

Use this if you only intend to show the leaderboard on a big screen.


1200x1920 (10:16 aspect ratio)


1080x2240 (9:19 aspect ratio)

Combination of all types

1980x1080 (16:9 aspect ratio)

Header Section

The 'Header' section allows you to style a header on top of the leaderboard.

Header Settings

Title: Adds a title aligned to the left side of the header.

Height: Sets the height of the header in pixels.

Padding: Sets padding to the header’s left and right sides in pixels.

Background: Allows you to add a color or upload an image to use as background.

Title Settings

The title settings allow you to select the color, font, weight and text size of the title.

Logo Settings

The header settings allow you to upload a logo that sticks to the right side of the header.

Best Practices For Setting Up a Header Background

Device Type

Recommended Background Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Device Type

Recommended Background Aspect Ratio and Resolution

Big Screen/Desktop/Laptop

5700x300 (19:1 aspect ratio)


2700x300 (9:1 aspect ratio)


1500x300 (5:1 aspect ratio)

Combination of all types

5700x300 (19:1 aspect ratio)

Leaders Section

From here, you can control the styling of the players (leaders) as displayed on the leaderboard page. Other things, such as the background color and the number of leaders to display can also be set from this section.

Prefix and Postfix

Allows the ability to add and display special characters along with the score on the leaderboard. For example, $500, 300% etc.

When the score is displayed on the published leaderboard, each player’s score will be in this format:


Maximum no. of characters for each of the Prefix and Postfix settings are 5.

Only display Known Prospects

When this option is selected then only those Prospects will appear on the Leaderboard who have an email address in the system. This also applies when announcing winners i.e. if this setting is turned on, then only known prospects will be considered.



Highlight Leaders

You can choose to highlight top 3 winners in Red color and you can also control the Opacity of the color as per your liking:

Player Highlight

You can also use the “Player Highlight” option to highlight the current player when they visit the leaderboard. This makes it easier for the players to find themselves on the leaderboard especially if there are multiple players on the leaderboard.


Sub Text

With this option, you can add sub-text in leaderboard for each Prospect and it also supports merge tokens. For example, you can include a Prospect's Job Title and Company as a subtext under their name of the leaderboard.


You have the option to change the color, font and size of the sub text. End result would look like this on the leaderboard:

Individual | Teams

Leaderboard can be configured to display results based on individual scores or team scores or both.


You can select from Individual, Team and Both. If you select “Both”, a toggle key would appear on the Leaderboard page to switch between individual and team scores.


Team Score

Defines how the Team score should be calculated. You can select from Cumulative, Median or Average.

For teams of different sizes using Average or Median is optimal.


Leaderboard allows the option to add a search box for quick and easy searching. You can use name and email to find Prospects on the leaderboard.

Various styling options are available to customize the search which includes changing Placeholder text in search box (for individuals and teams) as well as changing the font, color and size of the search box.

There are two options available for the location of the search box:

Side Tab - Puts search icon at the side bar besides the results. Clicking on search icon open up a search box.

Search Icon - Puts a search icon at the top of the results. Clicking on search icon open up a search box.



Here is how it looks on the frontend leaderboard page:


Special animated effects can be added to the leaderboard page.

Type - The followings effects are currently supported:

  • Fireworks1

  • Fireworks2

  • Confetti1

  • Confetti2

Duration - The number of seconds an effect should play for.

Effects can be played either when Leaderboard is initially launched or every time a Leaderboard page is refreshed.

You can also set the effects to replay after set number of seconds.

Sending Points to a 3rd Party Leaderboard

We support sending activation points to a 3rd party leaderboard using Webhooks. Find more details in the Actions section here.

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