Lead Capture Management
- 1 Overview
- 2 Getting Started
- 2.1 Minimum Operating System Versions
- 2.2 Security Profiles
- 2.3 Devices
- 2.3.1 Invitations
- Individual Invitations
- Sending New Invitations
- Bulk Invitations
- 2.3.2 Reminders
- 2.3.3 Bulk Invitations
- 2.3.4 Retrieving Authentication Codes
- 2.3.5 Edit a Device
- 2.3.6 Revoke Invitations and Remove Authenticated Devices
- 2.3.1 Invitations
- 2.4 Staff Directory
- 2.5 Goals
- 2.6 Localization
- 2.6.1 Auto Translate
- 2.6.2 Custom Translate
- 3 Creating an Event
- 3.1 Custom Attributes
- 3.2 Device Objects
- 3.2.1 Custom Content
- 3.2.2 Image Capture
- 3.2.3 Business Card Capture
- Transcription Options
- Localization
- Transcription Notes
- 3.2.4 Signature
- 3.2.5 Badge Scanner
- 3.2.6 Developer Kit Integration
- Barcode Length
- Configuring the Scanner Step by Step
- Regular Scans (API Kit)
- Regular Scans (ID Card)
- Regular Scans (Post-Show Reconciliation)
- Regular Scans (vCards)
- Configure your form (no contact data)
- Configure your form (contact data)
- Submitting Scans
- 3.2.7 Import Tips
- Post-Show Reconciliation FAQ
- IntelliScan
- Enabling IntelliScan
- Rapid Scan
- 3.2.8 Supported Devices
- Group Scan
- Troubleshooting by Running a Test Scan
- 3.2.9 Lookup
- Customizing The Lookup Search Button Color
- System Lookup
- System Lookup Field Mapping
- Salesforce Lookup
- Salesforce Lookup Field Mapping:
- Custom Fields Mapping
- Lead Field Mapping
- Contact Fields Mapping:
- Account Fields Mapping:
- HubSpot Lookup [Upcoming Feature]
- Marketo Lookup
- Marketo Lookup Field Mapping
- NPI Lookup
- NPI Lookup Mapping
- 3.2.10 Audio Recorder
- 3.2.11 Audit
- 3.2.12 Schedule Meeting
- 3.2.13 Return on Investment (ROI)
- Influenced Pipeline
- Forecasted Revenue
- Using Different Conversion Rates
- Incrementing/Decrementing Influenced Pipeline
- 3.2.14 Documents
- Supported File Types
- Adding Documents to Your Form
- 3.2.15 Adding More than One Document Group
- 3.2.16 Example Follow Up
- 3.2.17 Video Tutorial
- Sharing Documents
- Selecting Documents for Follow Up
- 3.2.18 Enabling Order Questions (Hospitality)
- 3.3 Sections
- 3.4 Form Styling
- 3.5 Menu Options
- 3.5.1 Buttons Menu
- 3.5.2 Floating Buttons
- 3.6 Screensavers
- 3.7 Stations
- 3.8 Instructions
- 3.9 Visibility
- 3.10 Web View
- 3.10.1 Field visibility
- 3.11 Duplicates
- 3.12 Block Submissions
- 3.13 Measure Completion
- 3.13.1 User Completion Rate
- 3.13.2 Export
- 3.14 Submission Actions
- 3.14.1 Collect Rating
- 3.14.2 Add to SFDC Campaign
- 3.14.3 Add to Automations
- 3.14.4 Add to Rhythms
- 3.14.5 Fetch Related Prospects
- 3.14.6 Social Append
- 3.14.7 Notify Lead Owner
- 3.15 Personal Email Addresses
- 3.16 Owner
- 3.16.1 Prospect Owner (Mobile)
- 3.16.2 Prospect Owner (Web View)
- Changing Owner on Webapp
- 3.16.3 Note
- 3.17 Quick Capture Mode
- 3.18 Kiosk Mode
- 4 Edit or Delete a Form
- 5 Templates
- 6 Fulfillment Actions
- 7 Data Transformation
- 8 Actions (On Input)
- 9 Importing a Pre-event List
- 10 Importing Submissions
- 11 Question Stats
- 12 Editing Submissions
- 13 Exporting Data
- 13.1 Web-App
- 13.2 Mobile App
- 14 Glossary of Terms
Through fully-customizable forms and business card scanning, the live event lead mobile app makes life easier for sales, while the back office web app give marketing valuable marketing-qualified leads immediately.
Getting Started
Before your team downloads the mobile app, make sure your account is configured right for your Organization.
Minimum Operating System Versions
The Captello app requires iOS 14 or Android 10 at minimum.
Security Profiles
Security profiles let you control how much access users have to Lead Capture elements within the Lead Liaison platform. To access security profiles, navigate to Settings > Users > Security Profiles. Click the Edit button to the right of the appropriate profile.
By checking the box next to Lead Capture, you can add or remove all permissions. Press the (+) to the left of the checkbox to view the following individual options:
Access Event Staff
Add Elements – add new elements to existing Lead Capture forms.
Capture Portal – access, complete, or delete incomplete business card transcriptions and barcode captures.
Change Event Visibility – change the event visibility of the events user has access to
Create Event Form – create a new form that will appear on devices.
Create Event Form from Template Only – user must select from a template to create a new event
Edit Default – edit only the default value of existing elements on an existing form.
Edit Elements – edit elements on an existing form.
Edit Events – user can edit events
Export Submissions – export all the submissions data of the event
Import Event Leads – mass import new submissions into an existing event.
Manage All Events – edit or delete any event.
Manage Assigned Access Events – edit or delete only events assigned to the user.
Manage Invitation/Devices – add or remove devices from the device list.
Manage Event Templates – create, edit, or delete templates.
Manage Groups – create new device groups for form assignment.
Manage Owned Events (All) – view, edit or delete the events owned by the user
Manage Owned Events (Private Only) – view, edit or delete ONLY private events owned by the user
Manage Public/Shared Events – view, edit or delete public and shared events
- Events with ���Private” visibility can be accessed by any user that have the “Manage All Events“ permission
- Events with “Public” visibility can be access by any user who have the “Manage Public/Shared Events” permission
- Events with “Shared” visibility can be accessed by any user who have the “Manage Public/Shared Events” permission and the event is shared with the user or any assigned team to the user.Remove Elements – remove exiting elements from existing forms.
View All Submissions – when using a device, see submissions from other devices.
View Auth Codes – retrieve authorization codes for device users.
View, edit, or remove devices by navigating to Event > Capture > Invitations > Devices.
User– user associated with the device
Username– username associated with the device
Groups– number of groups the device is in; click on the number to view.
Type– type of mobile device used
Date Joined– date the device was activated
Status– device statuses; Pending (device not authenticated), Active (device authenticated and ready to use), Disabled (device authenticated but disabled in Lead Liaison)
Use the checkbox in the top-left corner to select and delete multiple devices. Use the spyglass symbol to search for devices by name.
End users access the mobile app through an invitation. The invitation contains an authentication code the user will user to activate their device.
Individual Invitations
In most cases, you should give each of your attendees their own mobile app Authentication code. You can grant users access either when cloning the templates or after creating the event form.
To give users access when creating a new event:
Clone the appropriate template.
Scroll down to User Access.
Select users from the Users textbox by typing their names or emails.
Click the (+) icon to add a new user.
To give users access to an existing event:
Click on the Event name to open the Event Designer.
Click the Properties tab.
Scroll down to User Access.
Select users from the Users textbox by typing their names or emails.
Click on the dropdown menu of an event.
Click on Access.
Select users from the Users textbox by typing their names or emails.
Click the (+) icon to add a new user.
Sending New Invitations
There are two types of invitations you can send, Individual and Universal.
Individual Invitations – Send an authorization code for personal use. This option allows you to identify the individual who has captured the lead and should be your default option. Send Individual invitations through Email, SMS, or both.
Universal Invitations – Send an authorization code for multiple users to use. This option will not let you identify the individuals capturing leads. This option is best for people who don't normally work with you, like vendors, temp workers, or third parties assisting you at your event.
Admin level users can also send new invitations or check Auth Codes from the Captello mobile app directly. Read here for more details.
Bulk Invitations
It is possible to send invitations to multiple users in an spreadsheet. Follow the steps below to invite multiple people at once:
Go to Events > Capture > Invitations
Click on the Options drop-down button and click Bulk Invitations
Upload a spreadsheet that contains First Name, Last Name, Email and/or Mobile Number. A spreadsheet template is available to download if needed.
Reminders help users activate their mobile app. If they have not logged in after a set amount of time, we will send them a reminder email with their Authentication code.
To enable reminders, click on the lightbulb icon next to User Access. Then, set the number of days prior to the Event Start Date. If the user has not activated by your set date, they will get a follow up email.
Bulk Invitations
You can send Invitations to many users at once using Bulk Invitations. To send a Bulk Invitation
Navigate to Events > Capture > Invitations
Use the drop-down menu in the top-right to download the Bulk Invite CSV Template
Open the spreadsheet and add your user info
Use the drop-down menu to select Bulk Invitations
Upload your completed spreadsheet
The Bulk Invite CSV Template includes first name, last name, email, and mobile phone. The system will send an invitation out to their email, phone, or both depending on what your provide.