Cradlepoint S700

Cradlepoint S700

Your router has WiFi and two (2) SIM card ports. This allows you to connect to WiFi at your event, and use cellular as a failover mechanism. If you have two SIM cards in your router, then if one SIM card fails the other SIM card will be activated. For more details on the S700 router visit this page.

Setting up Your Router

  • First, obtain your SIM cards and install them into your router.

  • Connect your WiFi and cellular antennas to the back of the device. Note, the paddles are for cellular and go on the outside connectors of the router. The circular antennas are for WiFi and go on the inside connectors. See the diagram below.

  • Plug an ethernet cable into the port that says “WAN” underneath it. This should be plugged directly into the event WAN (event internet); however, if you are using a multi-port router you can connect this directly to any port on your router. You can use the Additional Ethernet Port to connect any other devices such as a laptop as needed.

  • Plug in power:



Positioning antennas for highest performance

This antenna position configuration consists of:

  • Cellular antennas angled out 45° from upright.

  • One Wi-Fi antenna straight upright, and one Wi-Fi antenna straight outward.

This antenna positioning:

  • Provides optimum cellular antenna low-frequency efficiency performance,

  • Decouples the cellular antennas from the WiFi antennas and provides excellent polarization diversity (good for MIMO performance).

  • Decouples the straight-out Wi-Fi antenna from the adjacent cellular antenna, and from the other WiFi antenna, to maximize antenna efficiency and MIMO performance.


Antenna positioning to avoid

This antenna position configuration consists of the cellular antennas and the Wi-Fi antennas all straight upright and parallel.

This antenna positioning creates significant coupling and spatial blockage (energy being blocked) between the antennas resulting in degraded antenna impedance matching, efficiency, pattern coverage, and MIMO performance.


Understanding LEDs


Connect your Tablets to your Wireless Router/Modem



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