Filter Criteria (CRM)
Filter Criteria (CRM)
CRM Filter Criteria is used to select Prospects who match specific Salesforce.com attributes, such as queues and campaigns.
Salesforce.com Queues
- Description = Selects people in a Salesforce.com queue.
- Example = Select anyone in a specific queue.
- Operators:
- is (when the name of the queue equals a certain value)
- is not (when the name of the queue is not equal to a certain value)
- is any (any queue)
- is any but not (is any queue but not a certain one)
- is empty (not sent to a queue)
- Screenshot:
Member of SFDC Campaign
- Description = Selects people in a Salesforce.com campaign.
- Example = Select people in the Salesforce.com campaign named Test Campaign.
- Operators:
- is (when the name of the Salesforce.com Campaign equals a certain value)
- is not (when the name of the Salesforce.com Campaign is not equal to a certain value)
- is any (any Salesforce.com Campaign)
- is any but not (is any Salesforce.com Campaign but not a certain one)
- is empty (not sent to a Salesforce.com Campaign)
- Screenshot:
SFDC Campaign Status
- Description = Matches anyone with a specific Salesforce.com Campaign status. Combine it with Member of SFDC Campaign.
- Example = Select everyone who is in the Test Campaign with a status of Responded.
- Screenshot:
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