Filter Criteria (Attributes)


Filter Criteria is used to filter out people from your database. The database that's filtered is the Lead Liaison Prospect Database. If you're using a CRM such as then the Lead Liaison Prospect Database is a superset of For example, in all Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity and SFDC Campaign information is synchronized with Lead Liaison's Prospect Database about every five (5) minutes. Updates in the CRM are reflected in Lead Liaison's database and vice versa. Lead Liaison uses a concept of Standard and Custom Fields (similar to a CRM such as

Ultimate Flexibility

All Lead Liaison Standard and Custom Fields are visible and filter-able under the Filter Criteria > Attributes section.

This provides an amazing level of flexibility and scalability for CRM users. For example, in all Standard and Custom Fields can be mapped to Lead Liaison Standard and Custom Fields and used in an Automation Campaign for lead nurturing, lead scoring, lead grading, list creation and more.

To manage your Lead Liaison Standard and Custom Fields go to:

  • Settings > App Setup > Manage Fields

To change CRM to Lead Liaison Field mappings go to:

  • Settings > App Setup > Manage Fields > CRM Leads -OR- CRM Contacts -OR- CRM Accounts (tab)

Example Attribute

Suppose you need to filter everyone in your database from the country of France or United States. First, start typing the word "country" in the search box on the top left side. When the "Country" filter shows drag and drop it to the canvas on the right side. Once the filter is added to the canvas you can change the operator (equals, contains, starts with, etc.), add additional countries (parameters) to the filter, minimize or delete the filter.

Using Numerical Values

When using Filter Criteria for fields with numerical values keep in mind values that are empty will not apply. For example, consider the Filter Criteria below. This will filter only prospects with a value that is less than 20. If the value is empty/blank then it will not apply. In other words, if the Number of Employees field was 0, 1, 2, 3...19 then this criteria would apply to a prospect; however, if there is no value at all then this criteria would not apply to a prospect. 

Let's look at another scenario, see what happens when the two Filter Criteria below are used in combination. The important thing to note is that "empty" includes 0 and no value. Therefore, the only prospects that would be included when these two rules are applied would be prospects who have the Number of Employees field equal to 0. Here's what's happening:

  • Number of Employees < 20, selects prospects who have a value of 0, 1, 2, 3...19 in the Number of Employees field.
  • Number of Employees = empty, selects prospects who have a value of 0 or no value.

Since the rule sets run in an AND condition the only prospects that would be affected are prospects who have Number of Employees = 0.

In this use case, use only the Number of Employees < 20 Filter Criteria and make sure this field is populated with a value (not left empty).

Using Date and Date Time Values

equalsSingle dateExact date match
does not equalsSingle dateNo date match
less thanSingle dateDate is before the date selected on the right side
less than or equalsSingle dateDate is before or equal to the date selected on the right side
less than (or empty)Single dateDate is empty or before the date selected on the right side
less than or equals (or empty)Single dateDate is empty or before or equal to the date selected on the right side
greater thanSingle dateDate is after the date selected on the right side
greater than or equalsSingle dateDate is after or equal to the date selected on the right side
greater than (or empty)Single dateDate is empty or after the date selected on the right side
greater than or equals (or empty)Single dateDate is empty or after or equal to the date selected on the right side
emptyNoneAll records without a date
not emptyNoneAll records with a date
in time framePresets (days ago, next months, etc.)Defined in picklist
not in time framePresets (days ago, next months, etc.)Defined in picklist
is dayValue with presets: days after today, weeks before today)Defined in picklist.
is monthPresets (this month, March)Defined in picklist
in pastValue with presets: days (on that day), months (in the entire month)Defined in picklist
in futureValue with presets: days (on that day), months (in the entire month)Defined in picklist
not in pastValue with presets: days (on that day), months (in the entire month)Defined in picklist
not in futureValue with presets: days (on that day), months (in the entire month)Defined in picklist
  • Example operators:


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