Filter Criteria (Opportunity)


Opportunity Filter Criteria is criteria used on an opportunity. Most criteria can accept "Constraints", by using the button on the top right of the filter criteria. Below is a description of all Opportunity Filter Criteria. 

Contacts Associated with Opportunities

Opportunity Filter Criteria applies to any contacts associated with an opportunity. If a contact is listed under the Contact Roles section of the opportunity, then they are associated with the opportunity.


Constraints can be added to any opportunity filter by clicking the Add Constraint button. One or more constraints may be used with any filter as shown below. 


Has Opportunity

  • Description = Selects people who are associated with one or more opportunities. 
  • Example = Select anyone with an opportunity. 
  • Operators:
    • true (matches one or more opportunities)
    • false (does not match any opportunities)
  • Screenshot:

Number of Optys

  • Description = Total number of opportunities associated with a Prospect. 
  • Example = Select people who are associated with more than 2 opportunities. 
  • Operators:
    • equals (specific number of opportunities)
    • does not equals (number of opportunities not equal to this amount)
    • less than (number of opportunities less than this value)
    • less than or equals (number of opportunities less than or equal to this value)
    • greater than (number of opportunities greater than this value)
    • greater than or equals (number of opportunities greater than or equal to this value)
    • empty (no opportunities)
    • not empty (any number of opportunities)
    • less than (or empty) (no opportunities or less than any number) 
    • less than or equals (or empty) (no opportunities or less than or equal to any number
    • greater than (or empty) (no opportunities or greater than a certain number)
    • greater than or equals (or empty) (no opportunities or greater than or equal to a certain number)
  • Screenshot:

Opportunity was Added

  • Description = Matches people added to an opportunity. If they are removed from the opportunity they will no longer match. 
  • Example = Select everyone who was added to an opportunity and still in it. 
  • Screenshot:

Opportunity was Removed

  • Description = Matches anyone who has been removed from an opportunity. 
  • Example = Select everyone who was added to an opportunity and still in it. 
  • Screenshot:

Effective Date

This filter only applies to opportunity data added after August 2nd, 2016.

Opportunity was Updated

  • Description = Matches anyone associated with an opportunity that has been updated.  
  • Example = Select anyone associated with an updated opportunity. 
  • Screenshot:

Total Opty Amount

  • Description = Matches anyone associated with an opportunity that has an amount that meets the criteria. 
  • Example = Select anyone associated with an opportunity greater than $100,000.
  • Screenshot:

Total Opty Expected Revenue

  • Description = Matches anyone associated with an opportunity that has a total opportunity expected revenue amount that meets the criteria. 
  • Example = Select anyone associated with an opportunity that has expected revenue greater than $100,000.
  • Screenshot:



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