Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM integration enables you to export records from Lead Liaison into Zoho CRM. Person and company data is exported from the system into your CRM. This seamless integration allows salespeople to easily create new lead records in Zoho from multiple areas in Lead Liaison, such as the visitor tracking page or Prospect Profile.
Adding the Connector
Once this feature has been added to your account you'll see the application in the Lead Liaison App Cloud. Go to Settings > Integrations > App Cloud and install the app. Next, head to Settings > Integrations > Connectors and enter your credentials into the Zoho CRM Connector. Once you've successfully connected you'll see a prompt similar to the one below.
Exporting Contacts
Export from People Search
Export person and company data into Zoho CRM. Export one or more records simultaneously with a single button click.
Export from Prospect Profile Page
From the Prospect Profile page, click the Export to CRM link as shown below to push the record into your CRM.
Export from the Prospects Page
From the Prospects page, click the gear and choose Export to CRM as shown below to push the record into your CRM.
Email Integration
Lead Liaison's Send & Track for Google Chrome is an email plugin that offers two integration points with Zoho CRM:
- Optionally saves a copy of the email to Zoho CRM using Zoho's email to Bcc address with the Log in CRM setting.
- Optionally creates a new lead in Zoho CRM (if it doesn't already exist) when the Log in CRM setting is enabled.
To add email to Bcc addresses for use with the Log in CRM setting, navigate to Admin > App Setup > Email > Send & Track > Custom Bcc Email Addresses section.
Field Mappings
Required Fields
Fields in red font are required
Zoho Field | Lead Liaison Field |
First Name | First Name |
Title | Job Title |
Last Name | Last Name |
Company | Company |
Lead Source | Original Lead Source |
Industry | Industry |
Annual Revenue | Annual Revenue |
Phone | Work Phone |
Fax | Fax |
Website | Website |
No of Employees | Number of Employees |
Street | Street Address |
City | City |
State | State/Province |
Zip Code | Zipcode |
Country | Country |
Description | Description |
Salutation | Salutation |
Mobile | Mobile Phone |
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