Webhooks Use Case: Sending Prospect Data to Marketing Automation Platforms
While Lead Liaison has an awesome Marketing Automation platform, you may already be working one. We can send data to third-party marketing automation systems like Hubspot, Marketo, Eloqua, Pardot, or others. You can have all of the power of Captello with the comfort of using a system you are familiar with. In the following examples, we set up forms to receive data from Captello.
Making the Forms
In the following examples, we set up forms to receive data from Captello. We create forms in
If you use another platform, the basic concepts remain the same.
Create a new form in Hubspot. Include any fields that you will use in Lead Liaison. You will need your Form GUID and Hubspot Portal ID once you have created the form to generate your endpoint URL. You can learn more about finding the GUID and Portal ID here: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/methods/forms/submit_form.
The Hubspot Endpoint URL looks like this: https://forms.hubspot.com/uploads/form/v2/*PORTAL ID*/*FORM GUID*/
Next, create your event in Lead Liaison. Make sure to map custom fields in your Event form to system fields in Lead Liaison. Now you should have an identical form in Lead Liaison to your form in Hubspot.
Create a new form in Eloqua. Include any fields that you will use in Lead Liaison. You will need your form HTML, which includes your Form name, and Site ID to generate your endpoint. You can find your form HTML by opening the form, clicking the gear in the top-right, and selcting View Form HTML.
The Eloqua Endpoint URL usually looks like this: https://s*SITE ID*.t.eloqua.com/e/f2?elqformname=*FORM NAME*&elqSiteID=*SITE ID*
Next, create your event in Lead Liaison. Make sure to map custom fields in your Event form to system fields in Lead Liaison. Now you should have an identical form in Lead Liaison to your form in Eloqua.
Create a new Form Handler in Pardot. You can learn how to create a Form Handler here: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=pardot_create_form_handler.htm&type=5. Add a field for each Lead Liaison field that should be passed over.
Once you create the Handler, pull the Endpoint URL. Navigate to your Form Handler and click View Form Handler Code and copy the URL shown below.
Format Discrepency
When using multi-select checkboxes with Pardot Form Handlers please reference this article.
Next, create your event in Lead Liaison. Make sure to map custom fields in your Event form to system fields in Lead Liaison. Now you should have an identical form in Lead Liaison to your form in Pardot.
Building the Webook
To create the Webhook, navigate to Settings > App Setup > Webhooks and click New. Then,
Enter your Endpoint URL.
Use the following settings:
Request Type - Post
Request Token Encoding - Form/URL
Response Type - JSON
Enter your Template. The template is the other platform's field ID followed by the Lead Liaison data merge field. For example, to add the Prospect's first name in Eloqua, you would add firstname=%%firstname%% to your template. Separate all fields with an ampersand (&). In the example above, we are mapping Lead Source, First Name, Last Name, Email, Company, Job Title, Phone, Address, and Country.
Creating the Fulfillment Action
The final step of connecting the two forms is adding a Fulfillment Action. From your Captello capture form, click on the gear button on the top right and select Actions (Submission).
Select Call Webhook from the Fulfillment Actions drop-down menu and select your new Webhook. Now when any submissions come through this Event Form, the system will automatically send the data to Eloqua via Webhook.
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