Webhooks Use Case: Adding Zoom Webinar Registrations to Prospect Profile


At times it is useful to add custom activities to a prospect profile. An example would be with Zoom. If someone registers to be an attendee to your webinar, it would be nice to see that interest on the prospect profile. We will show you how to accomplish this using Zapier and webhooks.


This can be done by the following 4 steps:

  1. Create a Zapier account

  2. Create a Custom Activity in OneFocus

  3. Create an API Key in OneFocus

  4. Create the Zapier link

Create a Zapier account

The Zapier Webhook Action is a Premium action, so a paid membership to Zapier will be needed.

If you do not already have a Zapier account, you will need to visit https://zapier.com/ and create one.

Create a Custom Activity

Go into your account settings, select Custom Activity from the side bar, then new in the top right.

After clicking on New, you will be presented with a handful of options to setup the name of the Activity, it’s picture, and what information you can attach to it. For Zoom Webinar Registration, these are the options we found work best.

Create an API Key

From the Account Settings page, this time select API from under Integrations, then Create a new one. The only option it will ask for is a Name to describe the API.

If you do not see the option for API, your account may not be licensed for API access. Contact your Sales Manager or Client Success Manager for more information on obtaining an API license.

Create the Zap

Now it’s time to pull everything together.

Inside Zapier you will start with creating a new Zap, and select:

  • Zoom as the App

  • New conversation as the type

  • Connect your account if not yet connected, select the connected account if it was previously connected

  • Select the Webinar you want to record registrations from

  • Test the trigger


For Action, select Webhooks By Zapier, and Custom Request

Configure the Webhook call as follows:

  • Set Method to POST

  • Set URL to https://api.leadliaison.com/v1.0/prospects/add_activity.json?api_key=[apikey]. Replace [apikey] with the one created in Step 3 above (Create API Key).

  • Set Data Passthrough to false

  • Set Data to:

{"email": "[zoom email]", "activity_identifier" : "zoomwebinar_signup__c", "activity_info": " [zoom name or email] registered for Webinar","activity_fields_data":{"webinar__c":" Name of webinar"}}

For each option above such as [zoom email] you will want to use Zapiers Insert Data options to specify dynamic content. You will want to make sure you customize the name of the webinar for webinar__c.


Click to continue, and skip testing. You can now set the zap live and any new email that signs up for your Webinar, will now get transferred to OneFocus and appear on their prospect profile. Congratulations!


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