Real-Time Browser Alerts


Lead Liaison provides real-time alerts via a Google Chrome plugin, called Send & Trackâ„¢ for Google Chrome. These real-time browser alerts notifies the user of important activity, such as sales email link clicks and opens. 

Google Chrome Browser Must be Open

For real-time browser alerts to work Google Chrome must be open (minimized is fine).

Notification Types

Sales Email Opens

When an email sent with Send & Trackâ„¢ for Google Chrome is opened a browser notification will appear similar to the one below:

Sales Email Link Clicks

When any link is clicked inside an email sent with Send & Trackâ„¢ for Google Chrome a browser notification will appear similar to the one below:


To disable a notification type do the following:


Multiple Alerts

Multiple alerts will be stacked on top of one another, like this:

No Profile Picture

When a profile picture is not available the alert will be shown with the thought bubble, as shown below. This indicates the Prospect is thinking about your company, which might be a great time to take action! Profile pictures are adding when the Social Append feature is enabled on your account. 


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