QuickBooks and Salesforce.com Integration

QuickBooks and Salesforce.com Integration


This page highlights features of Intuit's QuickBooks and Salesforce.com integration. This information may be useful when integrating Lead Liaison with Salesforce.com along side a QuickBooks and Salesforce.com integration.  More information on Intuit's QuickBooks and Salesforce.com integration can be found here

  1. QuickBooks does not sync anything to Salesforce.com Leads. It only syncs to Contacts, Accounts and Opportunities. 
  2. Syncing is done every 15 minutes and only new or updated records are synced. 
  3. When a new order is created in QuickBooks on a customer account the order gets synced as an Opportunity in Salesforce.com on the Salesforce.com Account. No contacts are automatically associated with the Opportunity (under the "Contact Roles" section). For example, five (5) new orders in QuickBooks for one (1) account will result in five (5) new Salesforce.com Opportunities for the Salesforce.com Account. 
  4. On initial sync or when a new account is detected QuickBooks uses the Main Contact in QuickBooks and adds that person in Salesforce.com on the Account object into custom fields on the Account (see below) and creates a new Salesforce.com Contact on the Account. When the Main Contact in QuickBooks changes this will change the contact on the Account object in the custom fields added by QuickBooks. The Salesforce.com Contact created from the original Main Contact does not get removed or changed. A new Salesforce.com Contact will get created if the Main Contact is updated in QuickBooks. 
  5. QuickBooks creates 28 custom fields in Salesforce.com (listed below).
  6. If the main contact changes in QuickBooks then the contact on the Account object will change; however, a new Contact will not be created. 


ObjectFieldAPI NameData Type
AccountCredit LimitIntuit_SFforQB__Credit_Limit__cCurrency(16, 2)
AccountCustomer List IdIntuit_SFforQB__Customer_List_Id__cText(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive)
AccountEmail AddressIntuit_SFforQB__Email__cEmail
AccountFirst NameIntuit_SFforQB__First_Name__cText(255)
AccountLast Modified By SyncIntuit_SFforQB__DataSync_Modified_Date__cDate/Time
AccountLast NameIntuit_SFforQB__Last_Name__cText(255)
AccountOpen BalanceIntuit_SFforQB__Open_Balance__cCurrency(16, 2)
AccountQuickBooks Customer TypeIntuit_SFforQB__QuickBooks_Category_Type__cText(255)
AccountReady To SyncIntuit_SFforQB__Ready_To_Sync__cCheckbox
AccountSales RepIntuit_SFforQB__SalesRep__cText(255)
ContactCustomer List IdIntuit_SFforQB__Customer_ListID__cText(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive)
ContactQuickBooks Primary ContactIntuit_SFforQB__QuickBooks_Primary_Contact__cCheckbox
OpportunityBilling AddressIntuit_SFforQB__Billing_Address__cText Area(255)
OpportunityDue DateIntuit_SFforQB__Due_Date__cDate
OpportunityLast Modified By SyncIntuit_SFforQB__DataSync_Modified_Date__cDate/Time
OpportunityP.O. NumberIntuit_SFforQB__PO_Number__cText(255)
OpportunityReady To SyncIntuit_SFforQB__Ready_To_Sync__cCheckbox
OpportunitySales RepIntuit_SFforQB__Sales_Rep__cText(255)
OpportunityShip DateIntuit_SFforQB__Ship_Date__cDate
OpportunityShipping AddressIntuit_SFforQB__Shipping_Address__cText Area(255)
OpportunityTotal AmountIntuit_SFforQB__Total_Amount__cCurrency(16, 2)
OpportunityTracking NumberIntuit_SFforQB__TrackingNumber__cText(12)
OpportunityTransaction DateIntuit_SFforQB__Transaction_Date__cDate
OpportunityTransaction IDIntuit_SFforQB__Transaction_TxnID__cText(255) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive)
OpportunityTransaction NumberIntuit_SFforQB__Transaction_Number__cText(255)
OpportunityTransaction TypeIntuit_SFforQB__Transaction_Type__cPicklist

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