Create Great Content

Create Great Content

The best way to grow your subscribers is to create great marketing content. Use lead nurturing to send relevant communications to individuals based on personas and interests. Create a content marketing map. Lead Liaison has a content marketing map template provided upon request. Also focus on sending content based on where the buyer is in the buying process. If the content is related to the recipient there's a good chance they won't hit the spam button and they might just disseminate your material to their colleagues or professional network.
As the golden rule, only send email marketing messages when you've got something valuable and worthy of recipient's time. However, refrain from inundating them with content which might force them to opt out. Your communications could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly which are all typical. We strongly suggest breaking your content up into smaller bits though so it's easier for your subscribers to consume. Whatever you decide, stick to a consistent schedule and use lead nurturing technology to send content relevant to your prospects interests.


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