Change Field Accessibility to Allow Syncing

Change Field Accessibility to Allow Syncing

To enable Salesforce.com fields to be visible and editable by Lead Liaison the visibility/access settings for each field under Lead, Contact, Account, and User must be changed.
Important: These settings must be applied to the CRM user whose account is used for automatic syncing (see "Setting up Sync Account" section below).

List of fields to change visibility/access settings on

Below is a list of the Lead, Contact, Account, and User fields that must be changed in the sync user's account.

  1. Lead Object:

    1. Standard Fields

      1. Annual Revenue
      2. Company
      3. Created By
      4. Description
      5. Email
      6. Email Opt Out
      7. Industry
      8. Last Modified By
      9. Lead Owner
      10. Lead Source
      11. Lead Status
      12. First Name
      13.   Last Name
      14. No. of Employees
      15. Rating
      16. Title
      17. Website

    1. Custom Fields

      1. Last Search Engine
      2. Last Search Phrase
      3. Last Sync to Lead Liaison Web App
      4. Last Web Visit
      5. Lead Liaison Score
      6. Original Referral Source
      7. Product Interest
      8. Total time spent on last visit
      9. Total Web Visits

  1. Contact Object

    1. Standard Fields

      1. Account Name
      2. Contact Owner
      3. Created By
      4. Department
      5. Description
      6. Email
      7. Email Opt Out
      8. Last Modified By
      9. Lead Source
      10. Mailing Address
      11. First Name
      12. Last Name
      13. Other Address
      14. Reports To
      15. Title

    1. Custom Fields

      1. Last Search Engine
      2. Last Search Phrase
      3. Last Sync to Lead Liaison Web App
      4. Last Web Visit
      5. Lead Liaison Score
      6. Original Referral Source
      7. Total time spent on last visit
      8. Total Web Visits

  1. Account Object

    1. Standard Fields
      1. Account Name
      2. Account Owner
      3. Annual Revenue
      4. Created By
      5. Description
      6. Employees
      7. Industry
      8. Last Modified By
      9. Parent Account
      10. Rating
      11. Type
      12. Website

  1. User Object

    1. Standard Fields

      1. Id
      2. Username
      3. Last Name
      4. First Name
      5. Name
      6. Company Name
      7. Department
      8. Title
      9. Address
      10. Country
      11. Email
      12. Alias
      13. Active
      14. Time Zone
      15. Role

Changing visibility/access settings

Let's take a field to use for an example. We'll select the "Lead Liaison Score" for the Lead object.

  1. Go to Setup?>Customize?Lead?Fields.
  2. Click the "Lead Liaison Score" link.

  1. Click "Set Field-Level Security" button.

  1. Check the "Visible" check box for the profile assigned as the sync user
  2. Click the "Save" button and you'll be redirected back to the previous page.

  1. Click the "View Field Accessibility" button.

  1. Make sure the value is "Editable" next to the profile for the sync user.

  1. Click the "Save" button to complete the field changes.

  1. Repeat the process. Make sure these field-level changes are done to all Lead, Contact, Account, and User objects for the profile of the sync user.
  2. Anytime a new CRM field is added within Salesforce.com that needs to be used within Lead Liaison you must repeat this process for the newly added field.


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