How to Grow your Subscriber Base0

How to Grow your Subscriber Base0

Create Great Content

The best way to grow your subscribers is to create great marketing content. Use lead nurturing to send relevant communications to individuals based on personas and interests. Create a content marketing map. Lead Liaison has a content marketing map template provided upon request. Also focus on sending content based on where the buyer is in the buying process. If the content is related to the recipient there's a good chance they won't hit the spam button and they might just disseminate your material to their colleagues or professional network.
As the golden rule, only send email marketing messages when you've got something valuable and worthy of recipient's time. However, refrain from inundating them with content which might force them to opt out. Your communications could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly which are all typical. We strongly suggest breaking your content up into smaller bits though so it's easier for your subscribers to consume. Whatever you decide, stick to a consistent schedule and use lead nurturing technology to send content relevant to your prospects interests.

Get People's Permission

Always make sure your recipients want to receive an email message from you. For example, don't just send an email to all business cards collected at a trade show. Have your marketing team ask the person if it's okay to send them some email communications when they are collecting the person's business card. If they give you their permission, take note of it and add them to the list.
Have sales make invitations to a mailing list part of their job. Lead Liaison provides the ability for sales people to drop a contact into a lead nurturing cycle in a few clicks. If the contact provides their permission to send future touch points or have communication then you're in the clear.

Use Many Landing Pages and Web Forms

Start appending web forms to your marketing content to get subscribers into your database. Require information to be filled out on a form if you have valuable content such as white papers, eBooks, webinars, podcasts, PowerPoint, or videos to share.
Lead Liaison provides marketers with the ability to create web forms and landing pages in minutes usually a visual designer. Create a new landing page for new content in minutes and drag/drop your web form into the designer. Creating multiple web forms increases the likelihood of collecting the leads contact information. Once the contact information is collected Lead Liaison will help you with auto-replies and nurturing to build the relationship with the lead and get them ready to speak with the sales team.

Keep Web Form Fields Simple

Less is more when it comes to web form fields. No one wants to spend lots of time filling out their information over and over again. If you lower resistance you'll have a better chance of collecting their information. Lead Liaison uses progressive profiling technology to auto-complete fields previously filled out and/or substitute already completed fields with other fields to collect new information.

Show a Picture of your Content

B2B buyers are inherently risk averse. If you're providing a white paper for example, show a nice picture of the front page or first page of the paper. If you're providing some type of eBook show the cover of the eBook. If you do a good job of conveying the value of the content the subscriber is less likely to give you their personal email (gmail, yahoo, etc.) and give you their corporate email instead.

Use Auto Responders to Cross Promote

Auto responders are the email responses sent back to a recipient once they sign up for something or fill out a web form. Instead of sending a one or two line sentence back with a download lead create a nice corporate email marketing template the provides the download link at the top along with the promotion of three other related pieces of content such as blog posts, case studies or tools.
Lead Liaison's lead tracking technology will help identify what your leads interests are by tracking pages viewed, time spent on the site, and how they arrived on your web page. All future communication between your prospect and your companies marketing material will be tracked and consolidated into your prospects profile. Sales will be more efficient with their follow ups and be able to target prospects key interests.

Provide Social Sharing options

Marketing is becoming largely social. Consider placing an option for subscribers to bookmark your content or tweet your content on the bottom of your email messages. Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Mixx, Yahoo Buzz and Del.icio.us are just a few of the social bookmarking sites to add to your content. Also consider placing a link to your facebook and LinkedIn pages.


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