
Lead Liaison provides media tracking and hosting to help businesses bring all kinds of media to life. We make it easy to take all kinds of media (PDF, Word Document, Text Files, Images, Executables, etc.) and securely upload and store it on Lead Liaison, which runs on Amazon's Web Services (AWS). When content is uploaded it becomes trackable and has built in facilities to help convert anonymous visitor traffic to known Prospects.



Before using this feature the following configurations are required:

  1. The File Storage application from the Lead Liaison App Cloud must be installed.
  2. The feature must be enabled by your Lead Liaison Representative. 
  3. A CNAME must be setup in your account.

Uploading Media

To upload media to Lead Liaison follow the steps below:

If you're using a modern browser, you can drag & drop multiple files at once to the "Drag Content Here" section.

Configuring Media After Upload

Images (png, jpeg, gif, etc.) do not have controls. However, images can still be profiled, as discussed below under the Profiling section.

Once your media has been uploaded Lead Liaison provides a number of settings to help you have maximize control and conversion opportunity. The following settings are available:


Upload Progress

The below screenshot explains how to gage upload progress:

Managing Media

Updating Media with New Versions

Suppose you added a datasheet as your media six months ago and your marketing team just produced a new, updated version of the datasheet. Deleting the original version would erase all your download stats and controls on the media. To replace existing media with a new version do the following:

Deleting Media

To delete media do the following:

Once the media is deleted it is saved in the Recycle Bin

Exploring Media

While on the Manage Content page the following values will be displayed in the grid (as shown in the screenshot below). 

Exporting Download Records

To export download records:


Media Statistics

Overall Stats

To see how your media downloads have grown over time view the graph on the top of the Manage Content page as shown below:

Profiling Media

Media profiling helps you understand how effective your media has been over time by displaying the number of downloads for the specific content over a specified time period. To profile your media do the following:

Who Downloaded Your Media?

Lead Liaison tracks total downloads as well as unique downloads. Anonymous (Unknown) and Known Prospects are tracked and can be further filtered (to see only Known) if needed. To drill down and see who downloaded your media do the following:

Building Personas

When content is downloaded Lead Liaison adds this behavior to the Prospect's activity, enabling sales to better understand what Prospect's are interested in. Downloads are tracked on the Prospect's Prospect Profile page and shown under the "Activity" tab, as seen in the screenshot below:

Converting Visitors

Lead Liaison helps you convert your visitor traffic by optionally adding an email prompt in front of your media. This is useful if you have premium, valuable content that you want to gate. To add an email prompt in front of your content, do the following while uploading your content. Note, these settings can be changed later by editing the media in the Manage section. 

Styling the Landing Page

To style the landing page that visitors will see when trying to download content that has Accessibility set to "Email Required" or "Email Optional", do the following:


Inserting Media into Email Messages

When inserting a link to your content into an email message sent with Lead Liaison for download make sure to include the link with your full vanity URL (www2.domain.com) and not the bit.ly. When the full URL is used the recipient will get tracked on visitor tracking and identified by name after their click through to download the content. The person's name will also show up on the page showing the number of downloads (total and unique) by each person. 

Scoring Downloads

Lead Liaison automatically scores media downloads for you to help qualify your Prospects. No extra work or customization is required, it all happens automatically. The default score for a Document Download is +100; however, it can be changed. Custom scoring for specific types of content can also be setup. 

Changing the Default Score

To change the default lead score for document downloads do the following:

Setting a Custom Score

Suppose you have premium content and want to set up a custom lead score any time the premium content is downloaded. To set up a custom lead score when a specific media file is downloaded to the following:


Storage Limits

Depending on how your account was provisioned, your storage limit displays how much storage your account has been authorized for as well as the amount consumed. To view your storage limit and amount of storage remaining do the following:

Upload Limits

Uploads are limited to 20MB per file. If you're considering uploading video we suggest using Lead Liaison's video marketing solution which offers similar trackability, live streaming, scoring and more. 

Time Limited Media Endpoints

The final link that the user is directed to will be a link on Amazon's Web Services platform. The link will look similar to the one below:


The link will be valid for only a short period of time before it expires. Typically, it's valid for 15 minutes by default; however, your Lead Liaison Administrator can change the endpoint expiration to a different time limit if needed. The expiration ensures stronger security as the endpoint will not be shared with others who are not authorized to access your media. 

Download Period

Downloads from the same Prospect within 60 minutes will not trigger download activity and will not increment the number of downloads. Use a private browsing window if you need to test statistics or triggers after a download.

Force Download

Most modern browsers can automatically render your content, such as a PDF or Excel document, in the browser without requiring the user to download the content. We automatically determine the most appropriate content header, such as application/pdf, used to store your content.

However, if you are using a less common file extension or your content does not render properly in a browser, which can happen with advanced/intricate content, you can bypass our content header and force the file to be downloaded instead of rendered in the browser. In the case of a PDF, instead of using application/pdf we'll use application/file for the content header. Enable the Force Download feature when uploading new content or edit existing content to force the content to be directly downloaded to the user's computer.